Chapter 2

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As soon as I entered my house I put my bag on my bed and decided to head to the restaurant across the street. The first thing I saw when I entered the restaurant was a brown haired boy, about a year older than me, carrying a plate with a sandwich. No no it wasn't a sandwich, it was toasted, it had cheese oozing out of the toasted bread. I wanted it.

I took a seat and looked at the menu, i immediately saw something that caught my eye, a cheese toastie. So that was what it was called. The brown haired boy came over to me with a name tag saying "Mitch". "What can I get you?" He asked, smiling. "I'll have a cheese toastie please".

A few minutes later he returned with the best looking thing I had ever seen. "Thank you" I smile as I take a bite. Cheese immediately oozed into my mouth and a moan escaped my mouth. I glanced up realising he with still there, smirking at me. "You like it?" he asked, chuckling. I immediately blushed a bright red and nodded. He bit his lip and throated his finger into my toastie. I screamed. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!?!!" I shouted at the top of my voice "I.. I'm sorry" he said rushing off. I angrily left and went home to unpack.

A scrumptious surpriseWhere stories live. Discover now