"It would be my honour to kick yours, little one" he replies, giving me his best predatory expression. I can't help but let out a laugh, making Loki's eyes glinting from the successful reaction. I feel like it's been a while since I allowed myself to joke around and smile.

"Sorry to interrupt but I need to inform you that I won't be the one training you tomorrow, Saralyn" Steve suddenly pops in.

"Wait, what? One day of training and you're already done with me?" I exclaim, looking at him desperately.

"I'm sorry but Fury is sending me on a mission. Don't worry, I found someone willing to help you. Agent Grand is going to train you for the upcoming week." He informs me, with a proud smile on his face.

"Are you kidding me?! You're leaving me with a psychopath?!" I shout at him. His smile immediately disappears, replaced by a worried expression.

"What are you talking about?" he asks confused.

"He was the one training me when I first arrived. He's the hardest trainer alive, believe me. He's making you work until you collapse! No one wants to go on mission with him, let alone train with him" I explain to him.

"Don't be silly, Saralyn. I'm sure it's going to work just fine. I promise you on my life that he's not going to be too harsh" Steve says to me in a reassuring voice, before grabbing his bag to leave.

"Better start digging your grave soldier" I mutter under my breath, making Loki chuckle.


I can't hold back a groan as I sit down next to Loki the next day, with my bottle of water in hand.

"Is something troubling you? Your fuming brain is making so much noise that I can't concentrate on my current reading" he says in an annoyed voice.

"This guy is a living nightmare! He's lucky I'm still injured or I would have punched him to death by now" I fume before taking a sip of water.

"So much violence coming from such a tiny creature" Loki chuckles in a smoothie voice making me even angrier.

"It's not funny, Loki!! I try my best despite my aching body. He's making me feel like I lost so many of my skills back there when I was kidnapped. I need to start my training all over again. It seems like this man is unbeatable" I finish in a tired and desperate tone.

"That's because he's never met a god before" Loki says before getting up to join the training.


After almost two hours of instance battle, Loki finally gives the last strike. It was a hand in hand combat without any magic. The god couldn't count on his illusions and let's be honest, he really didn't need any of his tricks to win. He's movement were so fast and still so graceful he almost made it look like a dance. Everyone is staring at him wide eyes.

"I think I just won this part, mortal" Loki states while looking down at the breathless agent with a triumphal smirk on his face.

Agent Grand is literally covered in sweat while Loki still looks like he didn't even fight at all. I can't help but stare at him with my mouth wide open in disbelief.

Suddenly, all the other agents around the training room start to applause. I can't help but follow their lead, almost wanting to see another round. Loki slowly leans near Agent Grand's head to whispers something into his ear. I can't understand what he's telling him for the cheers and talking still haven't stopped now. I see the fallen agent's skin slowly turning white as Loki finally departs with a terrifying cold look. I narrow my eyes, confused about what just happened.

I continue to look at Loki as he makes his way towards the door, trying to understand what he just did. The black hair god sends a devilish smile my way before leaving the training room. I can't help but laugh out loud at this. Loki would probably kill me if he knew but I really think of him as a prince in shining armor right now.


"Hey Thor!" I great him as he opens his door. "I heard you wanted to see me?"

"Yes, Lady Saralyn. If you don't mind, I'd like to do it in a more private place" he says while gesturing for me to enter his room.

"Sure" I reply, before entering. It the first time that I find myself in there and I take my time to look around. The room is painted in red and gold and I see Mjolnir hanging on a hook against the wall. There isn't any real decoration in there beside the few furniture. Thor clearly doesn't spend much time in his bedroom. I turn around to face him as I hear him clear his throat.

"Sorry, what was that you wanted to talk about?" I ask him, a little bit confused.

He makes a step towards me and put his two large hands on my shoulders making me feel really tiny.

"I just wanted to thank you" he tells me with a huge smile plastered on his face.

"Me?" I ask in disbelief.

"Yes, you, Lady Saralyn. I never saw my brother as calm and serene in years. Your friendship with him is clearly making him feel like he belongs somewhere. You definitely showed him the respect and care I failed to give him. My brother is slowly healing from and it's all because of you, my Lady" he explains in a serious but still happy voice.

I can't help but smile back at him.

"It's not much. I just gave him a chance to show me his true self, that's all."

"And that is more than anyone had done in his life so far" he confesses, looking at the ground with a guilty look on his face.

I squeeze his hand still laying on my shoulder for comfort. "You tried your best, don't ever doubt it" I tell him seriously. I suddenly feel like my bones are going to break into thousand pieces as the blond hair god engulfs me in a bear hug.

"You really are everything but ordinary. I understand why my brother likes your company so much." He says while letting go of me. "Now if you would excuse me, I have an important meeting to attend. My father wants to speak with me about my brother's fate" Thor informs me.

"Sure. I see you soon then" I say waving him goodbye as we both I leave the room to go separate ways.

"Oh, and Thor?" I call back at him.

"Yes, lady Saralyn" he responds turning his head back to me.

"Did you ask Loki to train more often?" I ask him, curiosity getting the best of me.

"I can't remember doing such a thing. Why?" the replies, clearly confused.

"I knew it!" I whisper to myself, before walking towards my bedroom again, a small smile playing on my lips.

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