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A tall building in the middle of the city held most of the residents, it was a large hospital. Inside, people moved quickly, including an elf. He sped through the hall with a nurses mask on, fear in his eyes as he bumped others rushing around. A building had collapsed while people were in it, yet he wasn't a nurse, he actually worked at the inside coffee shop that belonged to the hospital, yet his job wasn't in his worries at the moment. He panted as he came to a stop, beads of sweat on his lightly tanned face before he walked in the room, horror on his face as he stared at the elf on the bed. The elf was covered in wires and hoses, his tan skin even seemed pale, his black hair a mess.

The elf that approached resembled the elf on the bed, mostly because they were father and son. He sighed and fixed his glasses as he saw the heart monitor going on a steady beep. After sitting in the chair, he looked at his unconscious father with lowered ears, worry written on his face as he listened to the beeps from the heart monitor. He removed the mask from his face and scratched at the bit of beard he had, which only lined his jawline instead of climbing up his cheeks. His red eyes held fear, his short black hair was messy, yet it seemed to resemble a dark blue rather than black, he didn't care though, nor did anyone else who seemed to like it. After a few minutes, his unconscious father showed no signs of waking, so he simply stood and fixed his uniform, which was a simple pair of black jeans and a button up white shirt, he fixed the collar before giving the elf one last look, then he walked out of the room. Besides the cramped hallway, he managed to make it back just in time to get back to his post.

After stepping behind the counter, he slipped he apron back on and pressed the button, causing the OPEN sign to turn on, though everyone seemed busy since he watched each victim of the collapsed building be entered into the hospital. He leaned on the counter, his dad in his mind as he stared at the large words, Lotus Hospital, written in red was on he side of the white building. He sighed as he tapped the counter, seeming bored and worried all at once, until he looked up seeing someone walking towards him. With a sigh, he stood straight and smiled at the approaching nurse.

"Afternoon Toma, I heard about your father, I'm terribly sorry." She said, her brown hair was tied in a bun on her head, she wore a simple purple outfit, she was human unlike many others here.

"It's alright Amanda, if he's here I know he's fine." He replied, "what'll it be?"

"Oh the usual is fine, you know I'm not picky." She joked, he chuckled and moved around behind the counter, he took a cup and poured hot coffee into it before adding a French vanilla creamer, mixing that with sugar. Once he was finished, he topped it with a lid before handing it to her.

"That'll be 3.27." He said, she counted out her money before handing it to him, he proceeded to get her change.

"You know, you've been working here for a long time now, yet I barely know anything about you." She said, Toma sighed, a lot of the nurses attempted to flirt with him, along with many others here.

"It's not happening Amanda." He said, handing her the change. She took it with a pout.

"Come on! You can't be single forever!" She whined, his ears lowered as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"Look, I haven't found anyone I'm interested in so I'm single until I find someone that's right for me, okay?" He said, she sighed before taking a sip of her coffee.

"Fine, though remember that I'm available." She finished off before leaving, he watched her as she left, leaving him alone once more. The rest of the day ended up with only a few more customers, then he was finally able to clock in and go home. After turning the open sign off, he went through the back into the break room and removed the apron before grabbing his hoodie and slipping it on. With a sigh, he left, he didn't own a car so riding the bus was his only option. As he waited at the bus stop, he noticed a white blue run through, he didn't think much of it until he heard tires screech then a loud yelp. His ears twitched as he turned his head towards the sound before seeing a car drive off, curiosity made him investigate, only to find a small white dog lay on the ground. He felt his heart crumble as he crouched next to it, it was still breathing. It looked up at him with pink colored eyes, pain was all he could see. He removed his hoodie and gently picked up the dog and continued to walk home, since the bus wouldn't allow animals on it.

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