"No more minutes!" Wilford laughed, sitting the boy up, as it jolted him awake. "It's bouncy time!"

Jack looked up at him wide eyed and then shifted away. Chase groaned, pulling Wilford back and picked Jack up, the boy leaning into his shoulder. "You gave him nightmares last night, you're probably scaring him half to death. Just let him wake up."

"Nightmares?" Wilford wiggled his mustache, patting Jack's back as Chase held him. "From lil old Warfstache?"

Jack pouted, nodding slightly, as he clung to Chase's shirt. "Just back up Wilford." Chase growled.

Wilford narrowed his eyes, tilting his head. "It almost seems... as if you don't like me."

"Do you remember me punching you in the face?" Chase grunted. "Do you need an instant replay?"

Jack whined, shaking his head and King stepped up, clearing his throat. "Okay... let's calm down. Will..." He grabbed the mad man's shoulder, gently pulling him back. "Just give them some space. Let Sean wake up."

Wilford let King pull him aside, furrowing his brow. "He doesn't like Wilford Warfstache?"

King sighed. "He's just upset right now. Why don't you go wake up Mark." Nodding his head, Wilford shrugged and headed to the bedroom. King bit his lip, watching Chase. "What were you going to do? Punch him while you were holding Sean?"

Jack shook his head. "Don't hit people."

Chase sighed, rubbing Jack's back. "I don't know, King, he just..."

"Literally, at any point, he could have pulled a gun." King reminded. "He seems... a little less violent than usual, which might be because of Mark right now... but stop pushing him. It's not good for anyone."

Wilford sat on the edge of the bed and leaned over, poking a finger into Mark's forehead. Tossing his head, Mark groaned as he opened his eyes. "Will?"

"Good morning, little Mark." Wilford smiled. "Your castle... has arrived."

"Bouncy castle?!" Mark squealed, struggling to get up, before Wilford helped him to his feet. Woken by the squealing, Chica ran, jumping at Wilford's back and the mad man jumped up, pulling his gun and pointed it at the puppy. "Will! No!" Mark screamed.

Wilford let his arm fall to his side as he watched the puppy rolling around on the bed in front of him. He looked down at Mark's horrified expression and smiled. "Ready for bouncy castle?" He tucked the gun away again and Mark very slowly and hesitantly nodded, eyes still wide in shock. Amy and Robin were sitting up now, watching Wilford carefully, having been woken by the commotion.

Slowly Amy crawled over and wrapped her arms around the puppy. "Are you okay Chica?"

"She's fine." Wilford grinned. "Are you guys ready to bounce?"

Mark nodded, then held his arms up to the bed. "Help Chica and Henwry down." Wilford shrugged, scooping up Henry and set him on the floor before reaching for Chica, who Amy gently pulled back. Mark bit his lip. "Amy, it's okay." Reluctantly, Amy let go of the pup, and Wilford picked her up. Chica squirmed in his arms and he chuckled, holding her close. Letting out a soft whine, Chica flopped her head over his shoulder, then leaned in, sniffing him before licking his face, as Wilford chuckled.

Amy slid out of the bed, leaning into Mark. "He has a gun."

"He loves Chica. They all do. She just scawred him." Mark said, though he didn't seem completely convinced as he kept his eyes locked on Wilford.

Stretching, Robin slipped out of the bed, carrying Sam. As Wilford set Chica on the ground, he smiled at Robin. "And who's this little guy?"

"I'm Robin." Robin said quietly, ducking down behind Sam.

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