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Twelve year old girl POV

How can i say this... how could i say this anyway?
Hi, my name is Amanda. I'm twelve, and as much as i'd like to sit at home and relax, i can't. My parents are really stingy: they won't give a penny for my education or some good food. All they ever eat is junk.

I work at the flower shop in the corner. You know, the one on Rosetail street, intersecting with Cauli street? That one, the antique flower shop run by a little old lady: my grandma.

I decided to work there since i couldn't stay much at home anyways. I was always caught in the middle of an argument between me and my parents, or they would beat me up with their hands and kick me with their feet.

My grandma founded this shop in 1968. It's very famous, but not a lot of people come through the door very often, so we don't order a lot of flowers.

Until one day...

15th of May, 2017.

That day marked my life. That day, i knew for sure i would find hope.

Let me tell you, i'm an over-apologetic person, and i'm really shy. But, i have to muster up the courage.

On that day, i was working for a long time and i wanted to take a break. When i took the sandwich out of my bag, which was flower-shaped, the bell from the top of the door rang. Quickly, i rushed to the counter, sandwich still in hand.

"E-eh... Good afternoon, mister!" I greeted the man who came in. He looked asian, in his mid twenties, and really relaxed and happy. I wished i had his life.

He was wearing a tuxedo, with a bowtie badly tied around his neck.
"How can i help you today, sir?" I said, smiling.
"I'd like a bouquet of lilies, please."

With haste, i left my sandwich on the counter, and went to go find lilies. We didn't really order a lot of lilies, so it was hard to find them.

I returned to the counter with the last lilies we had, wrapped them in a lace sheet and tied a bow on the lower side with some laced ribbon.

"I'm sorry it took so long, we don't order a lot of lilies here..." i said, while i was tying the bow and making it look good.
"It's fine, really!"
He smiled gently.
I offered him the bouquet.
"So... who's the lady that you're going to impress, mister?" I ask, in a jokeful manner.
"Well it's rather my teacher, she loves lilies and i'm meeting up with her to talk about stuff, i guess."

"Wow... it must be so cool to be able to learn..." i whisper, under my breath, but i guess, that was quite hearable.
"Why are you amazed?" He asks, while i take a small bite out of my sandwich, munching it and swallowing.
"Well... come next time so you can find out, please." I said while smiling sweetly.

"Okay! I'll make sure to come. Stay safe, sweetie." He said as he opened the door and exited the small shop.
Wait. Sweetie?

Nobody has ever called me such a sweet name before.
I smiled, thinking of him.
Stay safe, sweetie.

Throughout the day, i kept thinking about what he said. Tired, i fell asleep on the counter, on a stool, with my arms on the counter.

The bell woke me up, signaling someone had entered the store. Yawning, i looked up to meet the asian man's gentle smile.
I rubbed my eyes, yawning again.

"Did you just take a nap on the job?" He asked, his tone sounding worried.
"I-it's not like i have insomnia or anything... you big d-dummy..." i said, yawning once more.

"Aren't you going to lose some of your wage though?"
"My grandma owns the store, i'm not losing any wage here."
I put my head back on the counter.
"Besides... you came here to hear my story, huh?" I looked up to him nodding. "How did that meeting go, by the way?"
"Just as planned."

I got my head off of the counter, dusted my hair of any crumbs or dust, and cleared my throat.
"Okay. So, i'm 'Amanda' as you see here, but... that's just how my grandma calls me. My name's actually Pinku. Sometimes i go by Mirai to be fair, and y'know..."

He nodded, as if he understood. "Nice name."
"Thanks. Anyways, why was i amazed of you meeting your teacher? Because i wasn't given any education like, at all. My parents don't give a... penny about education and healthy food, so my grandma decided to help me raise some money so i can go to school and stuff..."
I sighed, breaking into a coughing fit.
"Also i dunno when was my last doctor visit. Nor dentist visit. But y'know, perks of being twelve and weird, am i right?"

He softly giggled, smiling. "Ah, silly. Why didn't you say so?" He extended one of his hands as if i should shake it. "I'm George, but just to keep the 'Japanese' mood and vibe between us, call me Joji." I grabbed his hand, shivers running down my spine.
"N-nice to meet you, Joji...!" I said, gently smiling.

I checked my logs that my grandma had left, and in them, she mentions a 11 year old boy with the same features as him.
My grandma had crossed paths with him before.

"So... how do you know how to read, then?"
I looked up.
"Ah, well, Grandma taught me. She's this really petite woman with a wry smile and hair tied into two pigtails. Have you seen her before?" I ask, showing him a picture of my grandma when she was younger.
"Hmm... she does look familiar..."

I sighed, looking to the side.
"Was your grandma always by your side if your parents weren't?" He asked.
"I guess... my dad died when i was a baby... or so my grandma said... and my mom got married again to a cuck named Markus."
I sighed again.

"Oh... this 'Markus' sure sounds familiar. Markus Keeger?" He asked.
"The Markus Keeger himself."
"This guy was the douchiest of douches in my highschool class, he'd say he 'fucked all the girls' when in reality he just... how do i say this..."
I pulled a stool out from the counter and gave it to him.
"Please, sit down, you've been standing for a long time, Joji."
He took the stool, put it down and sat on it.

"...he basically 'made love' to the girls without them saying yes."
"How do you call that?"
"Ah... it's a topic i'd rather not discuss."
I sighed, putting my head on the counter.
"My mom says i'm a disgrace, Markus says i should have been aborted, and that i'm the ugliest girl he's ever seen..." i looked to the side, almost crying.

"...Oh, really?" He asked, "I'm pretty sure that guy only married your mom because of her looks, and vice versa, though i gotta say, Markus is hideous." He put his arms on the table. "Look, don't listen to their stuff, they just can't see how great and beautiful you are." He smiled.

"Y-you really think so, Joji?" I looked up at him, puzzled.
"I do."
I yawned.
"I should be heading home now, it's almost closing time for the shop." I said, smiling. "Thanks for listening to me, I guess..."
He looked concerned. "Your grandma lives with your parents, right?"
"...kinda? Don't worry about me though, i usually enter by the back door so that i don't get caught in an argument."
He sighed, smiling.
"Then... stay safe for me. Can you do that, sweetheart?"
My heart just dropped in an abyss. Sweetheart?
"S-sure can, Joji, s-sure can." I giggled nervously.
"Alright, just so you know, I worry."
He smiled and waved at me, while walking out of the store. I couldn't help but wave back. He's so nice to me.

Packing my bag, i sighed, thinking of my grandma.
I'll tell her about him.

Walking home, i looked around, a bit happier than usual. I went behind my house and opened the back door. My grandma greeted me, smiling gently, her braids swishing in the wind.

"Tell me sweetie, how was it today at the flower shop?" She asks, while i sit down.

"It was great, Granny. I met that boy you met when you were younger."
"Ah, that little asian boy who came to ask for lilies? What did he ask for this time?"
"Still lilies, Granny. And he's not little anymore, he's very tall and... er... super duper nice."
She smiled.
"And was he nice to you?"
"Yeah... called me sweetie and sweeetheart... i can tell he sympathized with me." I sighed, thinking about his smile.
"Well, you should go to bed. Tomorrow's Saturday, so we'll try to find him, wherever he is now. I want to say hello to him."
I giggled.
"Whatever you say Granny, whatever you say..."

I went to bed shortly after that. I was tired, but happy.
I was fulfilled somebody other than my grandma finally cared about me.

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