Forty seven

426 6 0

Harvey's pov:
I wake up to see Megan cuddled in my chest fast asleep and she must've been so tired after lastnight.
Some kids brought drinks around and passed out shots. I didn't want to drink at all because I'm not one to. But Megan did and it was a pain getting her home. Apart from that lastnight was great and It only was because I was with her.
"Did you not come home lastnight?" I question as I see max walk in the room still in his suit.
He grabs a towel and heads to the bathroom.
Max shakes his head then climbs into the shower.
I pull my arm away slowly away from under Megan and get out of bed heading downstairs after getting changed.
"How was last night?" My mum asks making breakfast in the kitchen with the pan on the stove sizzling with bacon.
"Yeah it was fun" I say sitting down at the table closing my eyes as I lean against my hand.

Megan's pov:
My eyes open and I yawn sitting up to notice I was in Harvey's room. I couldn't remember the rest of lastnight past 10 but I know I had fun.
I see max walk into the room in a towel then he takes it off and I hold my hands over my face quickly as he notices me sat there.
"Can you put some clothes on please" I say but he doesn't move and just laughs.
"This isn't funny can you please put the towel back on or put some clothes on" I didn't take my hands away from my face as I stand up about to leave the room but he grabs me.
"Ew no no" I get out of his grasp and max is laughing then pulling on a pair of boxers.
"Your such an Idiot" I laugh walking out closing the door.
When I get downstairs I see Harvey sat at the table his eyes closed. "Hey" I say stood up resting my head on his.
"You ok?" He asks looking back then kissing me. I nod then laugh as I remember what just happened upstairs.
"I'm going out today with my mum are you going to stay here or go home?" Harvey leans back down on the table and sighs.
"I'll probably go to Jessie's for a bit" I say sitting down.
I watch him as he closes his eyes once again rubbing the back of his head.
"What's wrong?" I ask.
He doesn't look up and just takes a few deep breaths.
"Nothing"Harvey says.
He stands up and goes off upstairs.
What's up with him?

Jessie's pov:
"Are you coming up?" I ask on the phone to max.
"Yeah I'll be over in a sec" he says.
The call ends and i sit there at my dressing table looking in the mirror.
I grab out my foundation and concealer from my drawer and start covering up my neck but it wasn't my colour at all and you could still see them. I get a cloth and wipe it off my neck then sit there thinking.
"Are you awake?" Mum asks about to open the door but I bolt to it and hold it closed.
"Yeah I'm getting dressed" I shout and sigh waiting for her to leave.
As soon as I heard her head downstairs I sit back at my desk.
The front door opens and then he's up the stairs then in my room.
"Wow" max laughs as he sees my neck.
I hit his arm and he smirks.
"That hurt" he says and I cross my arms.
"This isn't funny" I say as he carries on laughing.
I sigh and take a proper look getting up the flash on my phone.
"Their not even noticeable" max says.
I look at him and my mouth drops.
"What this  isn't noticeable?" I stand up and take off my jumper showing him all the marks down my neck.
Max puts his hand to his mouth and raises an eyebrow like he's trying to think.
"Well could just put a plaster over the really bad ones" he says.
I slump down into my desk chair and my elbows rest on the surface.
"Just pass me that over there" I say pointing over to a tub of powder on my bedside table.
"What's this for?" Max asks confused passing the container to me.
"It will make my foundation lighter"I say snatching it out of his hands.
He puts his hands up in defence then rolls his eyes as he sits down on my bed.
He sat there and looked upset.
Maybe I'm being a bit mean.
"What's wrong?" I question and max just shrugs looking down to his feet.
I go over to him and sit beside him grabbing his hand.
"I'm sorry" I say pulling his chin so he's facing me.
Max nods and then looks down at his shoes again.
"Come on its ok". He looks up at me then and sighs.
"I didn't mean to" I watch him as he lifts his arm and throws them back down to his sides.
"Max it's ok" I laugh.
I give him a hug then look up feeling our lips touch.
I feel bad now because he really didn't mean to and he thinks it's all his fault.
After an hour went by I managed to cover up my neck then me and max headed out to his house.
When we got there I thought it would've just been the two of us but I see Megan sat on the couch.
"You ok?" Max asks walking into the living looking down at her.
She nods then pulls one leg over the other.
He looks at me and I shrug.
"We will be upstairs ok" max says.
Megan nods then he takes my hand and we head to his room.
We both lay there on his bed as he puts on a film. I kiss his cheek then try kiss his lips but he moves away a bit.
I ignored the fact he did it and lay in his arms as the movie starts.
Max sits there and kept turning the tv volume up and down. "What are you doing" I say taking the remote out his hands.
He ignores me and pulls me closer to him.
I kiss him on the lips and we started kissing until he stops.
"Should I go check on Megan?" He asks looking at me worry in his eyes.
"She's ok isn't she" I say.
Max looks at me then to the door.
"But what if she's not?" He questions.
I try kiss him but he stands up.
"I'm going to see her ok" max opens the door and leaves me alone.
Why can't he just stay up here harvey can check on her when he gets back and if she wasn't ok she would tell us.

Max's pov:
I head downstairs to see Megan.
She was sat in the same spot on the couch her leg over the other. "You ok?" I ask leaning down trying to look at her face.
Megan ignores me and I sigh.
"What's wrong?" I question.
No words came out her mouth so I sit beside her looking down to the ground then back up at her.
I pull her hair away from her face and see a tear down her cheek.
"Please tell me what's wrong" I say moving closer to her side.
"I'm leaving and I don't know what to tell Harvey" Megan finally speaks and my eyes grew wide. What does she mean she's leaving?
"Where are you going?" I question confused.
I wait for her to reply but she doesn't.
"Why are you leaving?" I ask.
"I've been accepted in a school in Washington and I can't not go" Megan looks up at me and I look her in the eyes feeling my hands become sweaty.
" cant leave" I say looking down to the ground.
I felt my chest turn a bit tight and I sigh.
"I don't know how to tell harvey" Megan turns her head to look out the glass doors out to the garden.
"He does need to know" I say watching her head turn back to face me.
She nods then her eyes lock to mine.
"I don't.." I stop and Megan raises an eyebrow confused.
I take a breath then my words leave my mouth.
"I don't want you to leave" I say.
For a moment I got lost and could only think about that time at her party. Yeah we were drunk and yeah it may have never meant anything to her but I've been thinking about it ever since.
Next thing I know my lips are on hers.
"What are you doing?" Megan asks pulling away but she stayed sat on the couch.

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