Summer After Highschool

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Summer after high school
When we first met

July 1st, 2018 Sunny

It was the summer after high school when I saw Jughead Jones the first time after we graduated.

I won't lie, I was sure surprised when I saw him sitting in a booth at Pops, hot as hell, typing away on his laptop as I tidied the Speakeasy a final time before I went to New York in August for a singing, acting, or modelling career, depending on whichever I could pursue.

"Veronica Lodge, guess what?" Jughead unexpectedly engaged in a conversation with me. His cute lock of hair that made most girls, including me, swoon, fell over his forehead.

"What, Jones? Your novel is a bestseller in New York?" I joked.

"Actually, you're half right, about the New York part," he chuckled. "A publisher is interested in my works. And I was wondering if we could rent an apartment together, considering the soaring prices there? You don't have to tell me now, but just give me a call any time when you make up your mind."

With that, he snapped his laptop shut and hopped out of the booth to leave.

I was surprised, but overjoyed to hear that Jughead Jones, my sort-of-friend would be going to New York with me.

Obviously, I did not have enough money to go to college, as I had disowned myself from the monster that I used to call daddy. But, I'll work my ass off and try to get signed to either a recording label or a modelling agency. I'll attend countless auditions until I get something. I mean, I'm Veronica Lodge. If I'm determined to get something, I get it.

   "Archie Andrews, how can I help? It's my last day of work here before I pass over Pops to Pops and his crew. I trust Pops will take care of my beloved shop when I'm in New York."

    The ginger ex boyfriend gave a wry grin. I think it's pretty cool even though he broke up with me because he wanted to focus on his mental health when he finally got out of juvenile detention, we're still really good friends with each other.

    "Hey Ronnie, I'm leaving for Chicago tomorrow. Just wanted to say goodbye and to give you this," Archiekins handed me a purple notebook decorated with fake pearls on it.

     I took it and flipped it open. It was a thick notebook, which Archie had added 'date' and 'weather' to the top of every page.

     "It's for you to write your feelings and document any event," he explained. "My therapist told me writing down your feelings is good for your mental health. Just promise me to write your life in that book, okay V?"

      I grinned. It was so sweet of him to do this. Even though I was no Betty Cooper, and I probably wouldn't be able to write everything in this everyday, I would try to do so once in a while.

     So that's why I'm writing in this. God, I honestly hope nobody sees this. I don't get why people do diaries. Won't they be afraid that someone would snoop around?

   But anyway, I've got to go for now, I've got a diner to close.


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