Chapter 1: Sora

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A/N: The picture above is Sora and also she is 12.
Sora's P.O.V.


     Hearing my alarm clock I slowly reached it to turn it off. I would like to introduce myself, My name is Sora Elavich, weird name right I always ask my parents but they always say nothing at all.

"Sora, darling it's time for you to eat, hurry down!" Yelled my mom.

"Coming mom!" I shouted back at my mom while hurriedly combing my straight black hair.

       After I finished combing my hair, I hastily run down the stair almost tripping in the proccess. After I got down the stairs I went to our Kitchen feeling jumpy.

"Someone's exited for their test." My dad told me while laughing softly.

"Well this is the first, every time you got a test you look like your going to die." My mom smirked at me.

"Mom!!" I whined childishly. What, the fact that I'm smart (I'm   not bragging seriously) doesn't mean I'm restricted to have a childish attitude.

         If your wondering about the test it is about a audition to get accepted at any music schools depending for your talent for it the the mor you have chance to get accepted at a high rank school. Your wondering right, what's up with music, well;
        There were once a girl who loves sing but because of her golden voice bandits, slave traders because of her unique trait, has taken a liking of her. When she was walking in a meadow she was attack and being just a village she don't have any knowledge of fighting. They were closing in she only have a choice to shout for help and as she did so , in her big surprise.........

A/N: Sorry for the Cliffhanger and for the short chapter, I promise to post a longer chapter next, I think. Bye🤗🤗🤗.

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