As I walked around the store I felt like someone was watching me but every time I looked around there wasn't anyone there .
When I made it to the Register I really had a bad feeling in my gut which usually isn't wrong . I made sure I had my phone within reach and ready to go .

I waited in the line there was a Lady in front of me with a cart half full of groceries slowly
unloading them.
Surveying my surroundings once again not seeing anyone out of the ordinary but that don't mean anything.

Feeling someone breath down my neck I tense up
" They let you out by yourself, you are always with a different man or men you must be a whore " the voice said behind me
The woman before me had a deer in the headlights look
The cashier did too

I was trapped between him and the cart I couldn't move the cart up because of the woman's cart .
Think Harper Think I said to myself
" Look I don't know who you are or what you want with me but I suggest you take a few steps backwards before you get yourself hurt " I said with steel in my voice just like Uncle Owen

" And Just What do think you are going to do about it " he said as his spit hit the back of my neck


I could tell he returned around to the voice that spoke  his shoes squeaked when he moved

" Whoa Mister I was just having some fun "

I turned around and saw the most beautiful sight a girl could see

" Well I don't think it's funny at all do you Mason "

" Nope I didn't think it was funny at all , How about you Sammy "

" Nope , You Uncle Raven "

" Hell no that's my daughter you fucking bastard you are harassing "

" How about you Dad "

" Nope that's My Niece "

I grinned at North he's so mean looking right but he's a big ole teddy bear so is Papa Raven

" Is there a problem here" another voice said

We all looked over it was the store Manager and a Sheriff

" Yes there is this jerk here has been harassing me calling me a whore and getting a little too touchy now I have to shower off his stench when I get home , if it wasn't for my Papa, Uncle and My husbands no telling what he would have done to me " I says sticking my lip out like I'm going to cry which all I wanted to do was laugh my ass of at this guys I think he wet himself

" Sorry Ma'am we will take care of this "
" The Name is Harper Toma Blackbourne " I say
The sheriff gets wide eyed for a moment then says " Let me deal with him and I will be back in to talk with you "

He left with the guy holding the guys by his ear .

" Your not a Blackbourne yet " Papa Raven said with a chuckle

" No but she will be " Morgan said as he pulled me into a hug mmmm he smells so good I want to lick every inch of him .
So I kiss his neck he freezes for a moment before growling in my ear " When we get back you are in so much trouble my little Bambino "
I just giggled at him

A few minutes later the Sheriff comes back in and over to us
"Sorry for all the trouble Zeke is causing " He said

" Well Sheriff Hamilton I will hope that you Keep him away from My Daughter and my Family "

" Daddy Axel " I said as I ran well walked fast to him
He hugged me tight and said " I love you baby girl I have missed you " he whispered
" I missed you too Daddy "

He let go of me and we locked arms and walked back over to the group

" Wait I thought he was her father" Sheriff Hamilton pointed at Raven

" I am " Raven said proudly
" I'm her Father too " Axel answered
The Sheriff looked back and forth between them
" Goldfish " he said
" Banana " Axel said
" We need to talk " Both of them said at the same time

" I'll get the groceries boys you take Harper back to the cabin " Uncle North says

" But I "

" No Buts Little one go with the guys " Papa Raven said

" Fine I'll go "

" Up Bambino " Morgan says as Mason reaches under my arms and lifts me up and puts me on Morgan's back for a piggy back ride
Hmmm I can torture him more I shift more so my boobs are in his neck and I rub them against it I feel him shiver a little

"Bambino you are walking a thin line " he says

" As long as the line is straight to the bedroom I'm good with it " I say with a laugh
I got popped on the ass by Mason on that one all I could was laugh even more.

The four of us left the Dads to deal with everything and headed back to the cabin to where I found My Mama and Mama Sang along with Daddy Corey and Papa Brandon and Papa Marc , Uncle Nathan and Uncle Luke and they brought Melody I squealed when I saw her she did the same
I was carried in because well I guess Morgan didn't want to let me go

" Is your leg still Numb Baby" Mama Asked
" Only a little I can walk but this guy here said he wanted to carry me " I say

" Good I was worried it still was " She said as I was put down in front of my parents

I got hugged and kissed by all and when Melody got to me she did the same and whispered " I got gossip for you that you need to hear then decide whether to tell everyone "
" Alright we can talk in a few "
She nodded

The Blending of The Blackbourne and Toma Teams ( Completed)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن