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Today was a long day and the grocery store was already closed so I went to my favorite take out place. When I arrived there weren't many people but I ordered and started to leave when I suddenly tripped over my own feet and spilled my meal all over a women in a fancy businesses uniform. she looked like she worked with a supper fancy super expensive company, there is no way I can afford to pay to clean it if she is from a fancy company I can't even afford a real meal. "Omg I'm so sorry. I-I'll clean it up" I yelled running to get napkins and gave them to her "No no it's fine, it was my fault for not looking where I was going." She said as her phone rang "Oh I'm sorry I must go." She said looking at her phone, and I did the same my phone had a notification saying that the musical matron that was staring Zen in it was in half an hour "Here take this card it will give you a free wash at a dry cleaner so you can clean your suit I'm sorry I have to leave in such a hurry but my Zen matron is happening, bye." I yelled as leaving " Wait how am I going to return this to you?" she yelled back. I yelled for her to keep it as I ran home. I had finished the matron around 9 at night I sat on the couch and wondered if I'd ever see her again, I let it go and went to my room to go to bed. "Maybe we will meet again, maybe even soon." were my last thoughts a I drifted into a sleep with a peaceful dream.

In the morning

I wake up and stretch not just physically but mentally too. I make a cup of coffee and start to watch the news as I drink it, there was all types of things going on this morning there was crazy traffic, high winds and a chance of rain, and there was a bunch of news about C&R International I believe they are a very rich company. It was quite interesting but then my phone went off telling me to leave for work, I put my cup in the dish washer and left out the door and headed to the subway. I got off and started heading to my job, when I got there I went through a normal day. Helped a couple of parents find their kids, cleaned up the pet area 5 times, ate lunch, and helped some elderly people around the time that I leave I saw the girl from yesterday she walked to the pet area with a disappointing look on her face, when she came back my way she had a huge bag of cat littler, cat food, and a poop scoop . she set them down on the conservator belt, I scanned them hoping she didn't remember me "Y-your total is (what ever money they use in Korea)" I said looking down at the cash register hoping that if I hid my face she won't realize it's me. "Here you go." She said still not sounding very happy I took her card scanned it and gave it back as I started to bag her stuff "Wait aren't you the girl from the take out place, the one who ran off to watch the Zen Matron." she asked at first I flinched at the sound of her voice then I realized what she said. She didn't even mention me spilling my meal all over her, I looked up surprised but only nodded the next thing I know she went into her purse and pulled out the card I gave her yesterday "Here I know you said to keep it but, you will probably need it since it is yours after all." she said getting her bags and looked like she was struggling a little. " Um would you like me to help, my shift is almost over anyways?" I asked looking at the time I only had a minute left, "Sure, I am just taking this to my car you don't have to waste your time on it." She said being so modest it was kinda cute... wait I'm not gay though lol that is impossible I'm as straight as a noddle. We got to her car and I helped her put the stuff in her car, "Well it was nice meeting you, maybe we will meet again." She said getting in her car as the sky darkened "yeah maybe we will meet again, enjoy the rest of you day." I said waving goodbye she waved and rolled the window up and drove away as the rain started to fall. The sky was dark and gloomy ,but it felt so bright and happy on the inside. What did any of this mean? perhaps I should try to ask someone about this.

well that's the end of this chapter (more of a prologue but whatever) hope you enjoyed please comment on anything you see that you might want to see in the next chapter or  something you think I did wrong like spelling or something I'm always up fro suggestions. no one ever makes stories for just Jaehee anymore so I had to give our Queen the OwO 's she deserves well till next time. goodbye 


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