It was Zhao's strength that let Shen finally think of good memories. Them as boys in the summer months. As two adults sharing a flat they could barely afford and a dream they made reality through hard work, never fearing to reach for opportunity. Shen Wei was proud of all they had achieved and didn't think he could ever stop turning around, looking for Ye Zun.

He smiled as he remembered how Ye Zun would often lie on the bed with him talking at all hours. Closing his eyes, he feel his brother's phantom warmth and smell the familiar scent of cloves. White t-shirt, gold earrings and that slow smile, as he tapped his fingers on Shen's arm, the adult version of when he would tuck his head against his shoulder, two battle weary children, afraid of the future. "Dixing." He would say, like a prophesy.

He was rarely soft but to Shen he was his little brother. His Didi. He could see him laughing as they opened the doors to their dilapidated building for the first time, drunk on excitement and the fear of debt. A frown of concentration, making dumplings with nimble fingers. Brightly smiling as they tasted each other's ideas or swapping New Year's gifts, carefully chosen.

The way he used to roll his eyes washing the dishes, hating the lack of respect thrown their way, how even though he was the elder brother, Ye Zun had always reached to protect his Gege.

How fierce he was when he expressed ideas, how he used to smile over his coffee. 

Cold, lifeless on that steel table. No explanation, no chance given to prevent the outcome. He had acted and Shen Wei was left with the pieces. The questions. The guilt.

"Silly Gege." A phantom kiss on his forehead, another memory. "I'm always with you."

He had said that when they began this venture, with Shen Wei's ideas and Ye Zun's ambition. "I'm always with you."

Possessive and loving that was Ye Zun.

He talked about him in the twilight hours, pressed against that lean body, detailing everything for Yunlan, so he could know his twin, without ever having met him. It hurt to know that Ye Zun would never have liked Zhao. Possibly never have accepted him.

Heat suffused his left side and long callused fingers scented with rosin caressed his cheek, stroking away his tears. A strong arm encircled his waist and that beautiful poet's mouth, pressed a kiss to the skin above his heart. Quiet words, rough with sleep and imbued with love, "Don't cry. I'm here."

Zhao Yunlan was a fighter to his very bones

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Zhao Yunlan was a fighter to his very bones. He was always tender in his touches, but he would rather confront with fists or words or masterfully deflect attention. He didn't whisper soft words unless he thought Shen Wei was hurting.

The tears overflowed and he knew those foxfire eyes were assessing, with sorrow and worry in their boundless depths. He didn't want Yunlan to think of him as broken. He turned over and pushed the covers back, "You must be hungry. I'll make some breakfast."

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