She looked upset when she saw the 3 students she admired as strong and determined, walk in with villain outfits on.
I offered my hand out to her.
"See my sons can vow i treat you well. Move into this house since the dorms were abolished due to there are more danger with people you don't know. The new teachers. All i ask is either you join this family to change the way society thinks of heroes or go back to living a life and forgetting this ever happened. "
" Its not bad! We get our own custom made bedroom! We get food money and we get to travel through time and enjoy luxury restaurants. We can do anything without laws stopping us! Its complete freedom. And heroes. Their philosophy is flawed after all! Think about it. Before quirks everyone relied on police. If quirks didn't exist police wouldn't be treated like scum.
Heroes took over and dominated the chain of power. On top of that most heroes don't care about people lives. Its about money. Like you. "
" But deku... "
" I am the same. Heroes let my brother die and then man hunted me because i lost my anger. No one was even going to try and get revenge for him. "
" But a hero is someone people look up to. "
" Let me tell you a little secret. This country isn't like everywhere else you see. I own england i am practically the queen! I own 94% of all the land in england. But what is interesting, is that heroes are kinda like villains in this country. This country is ran by villains yet we are not in complete hell and we don't allow other countries to help in our affairs. Yet this country is better. People don't rely on anyone but themselves. No one saves others for money or fame. Heroes hold no standing here. If they try they die. But this country is also know as Villain HQ. Any villain in the world is safe here. They come here to recruit, open a villain bank account, black market costumes. Anything they need. "
" Heroes can stop you!"
"Heroes do not exists here! They have no jurisdiction and no power in this country. If you walk around there's minimum crime. Villains know this place is a safe haven and wont destroy that. This is a powerhouse for villains. Whether your a civilian, villain, or hero. We live in peace. "
" but... Wait why is Todoroki a villain. "
" I'm not. I just live here. I refuse to kill but i cant abandon Izuku so i stay here for him. I only help as a spy."

I forgot to tell everyone he didn't want to be a villain and as a result, everyone looked at him with disbelief.

" I forgot to mention that? "

Everyone nodded.

" Back to the topic. Urakaka whats you choice. Make a fortune as a villain. As one of my children of darkness or forget all of this and continue down the line of a hero."
"I dont know. Can i have some time?"
"Melissa is an assassin maid. She will watch you. When you make her decisions tell her."

Everyone walked out leaving them two alone.
It wasn't a short wait. At least 5hrs before our maid came in absolutely exhausted.

She didn't answer but collapsed with an empty box.
I squealed.
"Urakaka please feel free to come in."

"Mother how did you manage this?" "Oh

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

"Mother how did you manage this?"
"Oh. That maid has a special ability she can make people think about the pro's and con's and so she probably made Urakaka do that until she choose. I guess the were more pro's."
"That's a neat trick i guess."
"Isn't it just Todoroki!"
"(y/n) i have made my choice i guess."

"Urakaka if i give you a slave. What would you do?"
Everyone looked slightly jealous.
"I don't know. If they look young enough get them to attend UA with me."
"That is like so innocent. Izuku what about you."
"Hmmm... I guess i can see what torture methods are effective and many other gruesome experiments i can think of."
Todoroki and Urakaka shivered.
"No thanks."
"Ye expected as much."
"Kill heroes. Kill those who make society rotten."
"Oh ye! Ill do that also! If they survive"
Urakaka and Todoroki were pale. Guess they are glad they are not his enemy.
"I want to kidnap Bakugou. I want you to get him alone with you guys and knock him out."
"You can. You are students."
"We are stopping. We have bombs in your neck i got Urakaka when we took her through the portal. So i trust you not to betray me. Or bye bye~"
Everyone but Midoriya shakes with fear of the idea.
"Why would we betray you? This chip will never activate. No need to. Killing is a lot more fun than i thought. Their screams and cries. Their blood trickling down the path. It is pure delight."
"We know you enjoy being a villain but the others came dues to others and to a weak state. Or easily manipulated. No matter how you joined, you are my children."

I held my arms open and Midoriya ran into them and then Iida. Todoroki and Urakaka joined shortly afterwards.

My boys joined in and we were all having a family hug.
My arms aren't large enough... I couldn't help but laugh.
" I love you all. My family & my life."

Present Mic x EraserHead x All Might  x ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin