Chapter Seventeen.

Start from the beginning

“Hurry up Scar!” my mother shouted just as I was coming down the stairs.

“I’m here!” I said putting my hand up, she looked at me and smiled.

“You look pretty, must be a special boy” she said grinning, I smiled back at her.

“So, do we get to know the boy’s name?” my stepfather said.

“Cooper” I said smiling, “now let’s go come on” I said ushering them all out of the front door.

The drive to the restaurant was rather quick, as we pulled up round the back and I seen a shadow of a guy, I squinted my eyes and looked closer he then turned around smiled and waved. Cooper was standing there very smartly dressed, dark jeans and a smart black shirt with the top buttons open so I could just about see his chest! I walked over to him, leaving my family behind, he hugged me.

“You look…amazing!” he said smiling down at me in the hug. I grinned from ear to ear but played it cool.

“Not looking too bad yourself” I winked, and then he started grinning, so we looked like a pair of idiots grinning at each other. My parents started walking over. My mother smiled at me and looked at Cooper.

“Cooper, this is my family, this is my stepfather Mike, my step brother Sam and my mother, Sarah,” I said smiling and pointing to each of them. Cooper smiled and waved like a little child, I laughed at him.

“Come on let’s go in before we lose our reservation!” my stepfather said putting his arm around my mother’s waist and directing her in through the huge glass door. The restaurant was rather posh, everyone was in dresses and suits. As we walked through the door Cooper put his arm around my neck and smiled down at me, I couldn’t help but smile back at him; I swear his smile was contagious! We got to the table and my stepfather sat on the end, I sat opposite my mother and next to Cooper and my stepbrother sat opposite him. We all got passed the menus and I looked at what I could have, I normally ordered the duck, but that might be a bit messy, and it’s a lot to each by myself…

“What are you having?” Cooper whispered in my ear.

“I don’t know, I’m thinking the duck?”

“Wanna share?” he said smiling, oh that smile! I nodded and put my menu down, he did the same.

“I’m sorry this isn’t the first date that you would have liked, bet this isn’t what you thought we’d be doing when you asked me” I said giggling; he looked at me and rolled his eyes.

“I don’t care where we are as long as I got a date with you” he then slipped his hand into mine under the table.

“So Cooper, what do you do?” Mike said putting his menu down.

“Uh, I’m in a band, sir” he said.

“So what do you plan to do with Scarlett?” Sam butted in! I glared at him, he poked his tongue out at me and turned back to Cooper.

“Come here, let me tell you a secret,” he said leaning across the table to Sam, Sam grinned after Cooper had finished speaking. My mother looked at Sam and Sam whispered into her ear and she smiled, there was something I needed to find out here! I turned to Cooper, he leaned back in his chair and grinned at me.

“Secrets with my stepbrother? Care to share?” I said cocking my right eyebrow up. He then leant forward and put his mouth to my ear, I felt his warm breath before he spoke.

“I said, I like you…a lot” he then leant back and went back to normal, as if he’d said nothing! My mouth dropped and I stared at him. The waitress then came and asked for our order. We all told her what we wanted, she nodded and walked off.

“See isn’t this nice” my mother said smiling.

“I wish my family did this!” Cooper sighed.

“Well you’re welcome anytime with us” my mother smiled at Cooper.

“No I’d be imposing, I felt bad enough coming tonight I just didn’t want to leave Scar down” he said turning and smiling at me. “By the way, I’ll pay for mine and Scar’s dinner” he said talking to my stepfather.

“Oh there’s no need” Mike said but Cooper insisted. After talking for a while, food turned up. Cooper and I tucked into our duck, halfway through the meal I turned and looked at Cooper and he had sauce all over his mouth, I laughed and took the serviette to wipe it all off.

“My stepbrother is cleaner than you” I said pointing at Sam who was wearing a white top and it was still gleaming! Cooper shrugged and carried on eating; you’d swear he hadn’t eaten in months! Once we’d all finished the waitress came and collected the plates and offered us desserts, Sam was determined to have one, that boy could eat a horse if he was allowed! The chocolate cake tempted me.

“You having dessert?” Cooper said, I think he’s too afraid to have one on his own.

“I don’t know” he was paying for it so I didn’t want to take advantage by having desert as well.

“You wanna share the chocolate cake?” he said grinning at me, I nodded grinning back.

“Look how cute they are” my mother attempted whispering to my stepfather but I heard her and looked at her, Cooper giggled and so did Sam.

“Oops” she said smiling at me. I turned back to look at Cooper.

“You gotta admit we are cute,” he said winking. I smiled as the waitress came back.

“Desserts?” she said holding her pen and paper.

“We’ll have a chocolate cake…two spoons” he said, she smiled and nodded.

“I’ll have a chocolate sundae” Sam said, the waitress looked at my mother before writing it down. My mother and Mike didn’t order anything so she nodded once again and walked off. She soon brought back our desserts and our chocolate cake looked heavenly! First of all Cooper was being a bitch, he took both the spoons and dug in, putting the spoon near my mouth then taking it away and putting it in his and making noises, I gave him evil glares and in the end he eventually gave me a bit off the spoon and oh my days it was stunning! Best chocolate cake I’ve ever tasted! I took the strawberry off the top and offered it to Cooper and then took it back and ate it, he smiled and put a bit of cream on his finger and pushed it on my nose! I laughed and did the same back to him. My mother and Mike just laughed at us. We wiped it off each other after finishing our little cream fight.

“Right you ready to go?” Mike said to me once we’d finished the desserts and Cooper had given Mike money for the meal. I nodded and we walked out Cooper pulled me to the side outside the restaurant and my mother ushered Mike and Sam to the car park around the back. Just as my family went out of sight Cooper pulled me in for a hug.

“I really enjoyed tonight,” he said laughing.

“Me too, surprisingly! Maybe next time we can go just the two of us?” I said looking up at him.

“There’s going to be a next time” he said in mock horror, I giggled and he bent down and kissed me, just a peck but I wanted more! I put my arms around the back of his head and pulled him in closer to me, our lips touched once again but this time it was rougher and more passionate and my parents ruined the moment as Mike honked the car horn. He pulled away. The award for best moment killer goes to my mother and Mike!

“Maybe we should save that for when we’re alone” he winked and grinned, I nodded and waved him goodbye but he grabbed my hand and pulled me in for another hug.

“I’ll pick you up tomorrow at 12, we’ll spend the whole day together” he whispered in my ear.

“Okay, if I can wait till then!” I said grinning, he kissed me on the cheek and let go of me, I ran back to the car and couldn’t hide the smile on my face at all!

Btw in the side is a photo of Cooper's smile :L <3

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