spooky spooky

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adi should've been here thirty minutes ago, yet i was here on my front steps in the breezy weather. it was supposed to rain but it ended up not raining. my feet were cold, that was for sure.

he asked me months ago to come to a costume party for an early halloween celebration, and how could i turn that down? he knew me well.

i was going as a snapchat filter, it was really corny i know. adi refused to tell me which one he was, but i told him i was doing the dog one. i had the little cardboard cutout on my head and everything, i had to admit my makeup was on point.

we were eighteen but he insisted we went to request candy throughout some rich neighborhoods down in town. except, he wasn't here. i hope we wouldn't be late to whoever's party we were crashing.

i stood up and brushed off my back and high waisted jeans. "there you are."

i folded my arms in utter irritation that i had to wait this long for someone who was always early.

my phone rang and i instantly answered."hey babe." adi sounded onto the phone with a cough. o h no.

"babe my ass, adi, don't tell me you're sick!" i exhaled.

i mean, it was no biggie if he was, i guess. i could just go ransack homes without him but i wanted to go with him.

"naw, i'm pulling up right now." he hung up.

my eyes dragged up to his broken down honda that pulled onto the side of the road.

"you're late." i called to him and his head popped out. "are you kidding me? i knew you'd pull this shit." he choked and laughed.

his filter was the dalmation dog from the dog filter. "you little copier." i sighed and he nodded.

"let's go trick or treating!" i hollered and he stared at me.

"what?" i stopped and stared back. "i need to tell you something." he mumbled and my heart dropped.

"it can wait until after, let's go pop some candddyyyy!" he called and we began down my road. it connected to some gated community, we hoped wasn't closed.

adi was too energetic, he really knew how to spice up a situation. what did he want to tell me?

"they're closed, shit." adi's hand jangled onto the sign that hung on the closed gate. 'no outside trick or treaters'. "we could just sneak in, everytime a car comes through, it opens." i put the option out there.

"the last thing we need is getting caught by police, it's our senior year. i have colleges looking at my background, if they see a police escort, i will be denied on all of them." he shook his head. adi was always good like that.

"plus, your mom doesn't need another reason to not trust me." he popped the suggestion in and i scoffed. "my mom loves you, dork." i pushed him.

we trekked down the sidewalk where the cars buzzed by, but my body jumped to the startling sound of adi's phone. he swiped it open and sighed. "no party tonight, cops busted it before they even opened the kegs." 

"so you're telling me off for suggesting breaking into a gated community, though you're hot and ready for underaged drinking? asshole." 

adi was silent for the next few minutes, our walk to his car pretty awkward. "are you mad at me?" he asked and i shook my head. "why would i be? i thought you were just quiet." 

"i need to tell you something." he quietly grasped my hand and i looked up at him. "don't get all gushy on me, fishman."  he rolled his eyes and began to bite his lip and look at his feet.

"what's wrong?" i asked, pressing into his personal space. "you." he whispered.

me? what did he mean? "huh?" i mumbled and he grumbled. "i don't know how to say it." his eyes connected with mine. "so then just do it." i tried to make sense of what was happening.

"as you wish." 

i wish i could go back to that night, when i found out my best friend had a secret admiration for me. he not only confessed his love for me, he did it with my first kiss. 


i haven't been writing a lot in this book

this was edited last year halloween but i just now finished it


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