Chapter 1

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Alpha's Perspective 

Darkness. That is the only thing that I remember of my past, before I got adopted by a pack. Now i own it. My past is all just a blur. It's a fine night tonight. Most of the pack is sleeping soundly, well not me anyway. A few are out hunting, or visiting other packs. I toss and turn restlessly until I am sure that I can't sleep. Chris really snores. I hear a faint scream in the night but I ignore it because it doesn't sound like a cry from my pack anyway. I slowly get up and weave in between many sleeping werewolves and half tigers, my black hair out. Finally I reach the edge of the cliff. I stare out in the blue thinking about my past. Was I born a werewolf? Why can't my half evil brother and I remember the past? Is my dad still alive? A million questions race through my head at the speed of light. I embrace my legs as I mentally give up on finding answers. Another scream. I squint at the horizon. I can't get a good look but it kind of looks like someone i know personally. I race down to greet our visitor. A snow leopard. My cousin, a rare hybrid princess from the ice kingdom has finally arrived. And she is covered in a blanket of blood. She purrs in pain and falls, i catch her, making sure she wouldn't hurt herself even more. I gently lay the snow leopard on the ground and howled to odette, my beta, to come back and help me from her hunting time.


Odette's Perspective

The dark familiar forest welcomed me as I treaded towards my home. Two squirrels and six fish. Not bad at all. I start jumping from rock to rock to get up to the top of the cliff where we rest and feel safe. I hear a familiar wolf and tiger call echoing. Is that the alpha? I race over to the pack border to make sure everything is alright. Of course! I am the beta, so it's kinda my job right? "Odette!" I hear my leader sigh in relief as I approach her. " What's the matter?" I ask as I slowly kneel beside her. The alpha gave me a sad look then she moved aside to reveal a horrifying sight. A snow leopard was lying on the ground, slowly bleeding to death. I told the alpha to collect some herbs and roots while I start brewing a potion, to heal her. The alpha brought the magical liquid, gently towards the snow leopard's mouth. "Please work" I thought to myself as the leopard slowly lapped the potion. A wave of relief washed over me as the creature slowly got up. She transformed before my eyes to a young girl with no cuts or bruises and long hair and silver eyes. "Jack... he got captured." "But...How are you still alive! I thought you would have died!" I gasp. "Wake up the others. We are having a meeting now. " replied the alpha.

Alpha's Perspective

I took my cousin back to the cave so she can tell our pack the whole story. I can't wait to finally get something useful to do. The whole pack has woken up and gathered around my cousin. I can't wait to hear about who dared to face my cousin, but I dread to hear how they did attack her. If she was defeated, it must have been stronger than a simple bear or Vampire. It would have been much worse.


Chloe's Perspective

Silent but deadly. That is how people describe me. My bow and my arrows could defeat anyone who comes my way... well except for our nemesis that is. The vampire prince. Millions of bright, blinking eyes stare at me as I began to tell my tale." It was a clear night so Jack and I decided to go hunting in a nearby forest. I saw a group of vampires scurry by, so we decided to demolish them (as always) I have handled many vampires before so we thought it would be easy as pie. Not at all. As usual, I creep up towards those hopeless vampires, I grab my arrow and pull it back with all of my strength. Jack pulled out his sword. I aimed carefully at a vampire's head. and was about to let go. when I felt a knife to my neck. It was the vampire king. I surrendered and the king lifted me up on his shoulder, like I was a dead deer he just shot, and dropped me in front of the heir to the throne, Kai the vampire prince. Jack was already tied up, and he was unconscious. "You're a girl, so we won't hurt you. Badly. Now send the Alpha and her pack a message" Kai says to me, "the king is back. And tell her one of her pack members had just become my supper." With that he dropped me, but before I could go, he raised his hand and stabbed me with a knife in my side. Then he disappeared, taking jack with him. I transformed to make the trip faster but after seeing my cousin, i fainted. "

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