The City

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The City

A blanket of night covers the city

Prophetic darkness enveloping the sparkling heavens

Like a soft, black wave in the ocean

Sweeping across the Earth.

Slowly... slowly...

Swallowing all in its path

Like an insatiably carnivorous beast

Rampaging through the village

Leaving empty destruction behind

Like a fire

A burning, scorching blaze

Orange, yellow, visibly untouchable

Air, alit, a searing hand of light penetrating the blackness.

The ominous nothingness.


The soul lies down as the sun, the scarlet disk of light, is consumed by the darkness

Unaware of the disaster waiting to unleash its black wrath.

Peaceful, ignorant...

As the floor silently creaks

And the invisible glass in the windows silently shatters

Covering the bare ground with pain

Sharp, icy pain.

The tall, concrete buildings begin to sink into the earth,

As a marsh where all is eaten by the viscous mud

With no hope of escape

Only fear of the inevitable.


The table is set

To destroy

And be destroyed


The darkness subsides as the sun begins to rise

Coloring the ominous skies

Turning them into the optimistic cotton candy skies.

Falsely optimistic.

For the set table begins to disintegrate,

The cotton candy in the sky melts away

And dark bloated clouds come forth

And it begins to rain.

Tiny shining droplets falling from above;

Tears of the heavens.

Creating a wispy mist below,

A mist of sorrow.

A mist of joy.

Sadistic joy of the heavens

Anticipating the annihilation.

The mist bleeds into the earth.

The hungry earth continues to devour the city

As the tears of joy fall in sheets

Sheets like daggers

Drilling gaping holes and cracks into the sinking buildings

Drowning the black asphalt of the desolate roads

Flooding the deteriorating buildings

As people flee to higher levels

And in doing so, are pierced to death

By the murder falling from the sky in torrents.

The dying city continues to drown...

In streams of blood.

Warm, scarlet blood.


The soul continues to sleep

Peaceful, ignorant.

A false death.

Eyes closed, oblivious to the true death outside.

Lurking behind the windows

Slowly seeping into the room

Reaching forward

Creeping up

To choke the soul.

Going through his chest,

Implanting into his pure heart the black aura of death.

And the death eats him alive,

Slowly consuming him from within

Until he becomes a hollow, soulless skeleton

Like the city.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2011 ⏰

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