The Boy Who Never Cried

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By Mancur R. Robinson

Chapter 1

Breathing it's second nature, you know. That one thing that from birth you can do automatically. Not like riding a bike that takes practise, that takes bumps and bruises to get right. But breathing is easy, just in and out.

Well, that's what mom said when I came down with a cough and it didn't go away. She said, "In and out Rory in and out", "Ok" I said and smiled as she tucked me into bed.But heartbreak is not, so when Dad said mum was sick and might go to see Grandma and Grandpa for a while, I soon caught on she was dying.

We had the funeral in Glasnevin Cemetery we got her a nice spot on a hill, under a willow tree, her favourite.

It broke my tiny little heart that day at the funeral, dad said that she was in heaven now with Grandma and Grandpa. That made me a little bit happier to know that she was ok and with her parent's, but I was still sad.

I cried myself to sleep that night and for every other night for a week and a half until dad said "Alright stop, you are a big boy, big boys don't cry they suck it up and endure the pain", "sniff" "sniff" "what does endure mean?" I asked sniffing as I did so. "It means to take it in the bad and never let out the sadness but to live with it until it goes away", I looked at him quizzically and tilted my head like a dog wondering what his master just said.
"It means to stop crying... Ok?". "Ok" I said wiping my eyes as I did.

Chapter 2

Ever since that day I have never cried or wept or felt sad, I had become a rock, a rock carved as a boy that could walk and talk to flowers that broke down whenever a petal from their head fell to the ground.Through play school, I talk only to the teacher and never to any kids unless I had to.

"I don't want to be emotional with those babies" I always thought.

Through primary school, all the teachers were amazed at my knowledge of math and history."Knowledge is my best friend not people who'll cry about everything" I thought as a girl cried over her shoes that had been thrown into the mud.

But now as stand graduating from primary school I think secondary school will be easy.

Chapter 3

"Rory come on you'll be late on your first day!", "Coming dad!" I shouted down the stairs, a piece of toast in my mouth. I looked in the mirror beside the front door, I was wearing a white t-shirt, dark blue jeans, and black boots. My t-shirt said "knowledge bomb" with an arrow pointing up at me, I smiled as I put my black hoodie on and zipped it up half way so you could only see a part of my shirt. I walked into the kitchen where my dad was drinking his morning coffee in record time, he wore his usual suit with the black tie I got him for his birthday along with his matching shoes I got him for Christmas the same year.
"Come on, come on we need to go" he said quickly washing out his cup in the sink, "I'm coming, I'm coming" I said in frustration.

"You know what a dishwasher is for right?", "Yes I know what it's for but I prefer to do it by hand. Ok, you cheeky fecker" he said a sarcastic tone in his voice. "Cool good that you know" I said with a smart tone of voice.
"Alright time to go you'll be late", "Ya I just need mmmyyy ah there it is" I said picking up my school bag and jogging to the door. "Seeya Dad I'll be back at 4 o'clock!"

"Bye!" I heard him say before closing the door and walking down the bandstand. I plugged in my headphones and played "Complexities" by Purple Turtles. I grabbed my bike and hopped on it, the bass booming through my head. "Ok. Let's go" I thought quickly and started cycling down the road to school.

Chapter 4

"So this is my new school" I thought while putting my bike on the racks. The building was 3 stories tall and peachy colour to the outside, the yard was a big concrete patch with a soccer pitch to its left.
The inside was filled with lockers and doors to classrooms and a few bathroom doors. "Pretty good if I say so myself" I thought.
"Impressive isn't it" a voice said behind me and when I looked behind me some guy wearing a black call of duty t-shirt and red jeans with pale skin and dark brown hair was there.
"Hi?" I said a confused look on my face, "Hi!" he said a smile on his face. "I'm Reggie nice to meet you" he said a hand outstretched, " Rory" I paused and asked "you play?", "Oh hell yeah I play, what level are you?" " 90 masters codename roarstrike".

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