The Beginning

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"When did you receive these," silence filled the room after a brief pause "ablilities?"

Another moment of silence passes. "Mr. Jenkins?"

An automated voice sounded the room "Jason Jenkins, 20, Male. Apprehended for slaughter of Middle School in 2007 using Demonic and unidentified other means of abilities."

Jason, now opening his eyes to look up in anger, he stares into the eyes of his captor.

"You wanna know where it all began? Then lets go back to school, where I was tortured for years"

6 years ago

Lakeford Middle School
2006, December, 3rd

Jason was a kid who grew up with some...difficulties. Every morning was the same.

"Hey! Jenkins!"

A shout comes from a familiar voice that's not pleasant in any sort of way. Jason turns to see his old friend Lucas Springfield. Although, Lucas is more of an antagonist than a protagonist, do you understand? Bully. He's a bully. Jason's bully to be exact.

"Get back here Jenkins! You're dead meat!"

Jason ran towards his classroom but was stopped and pulled into the bathroom by Lucas' right hand man, Blake.

"You fucked up Jenkins."

Blake struck Jason in the stomach multiple times until he finally collapsed on the ground. Lucas enters the bathroom short of breath.

"Hey there, shitstick. You know I failed that quiz that you gave me the answers for. That's funny because, I was supposed to pass it."

Lucas kicks Jason in the stomach forcing him to cough with spurts of blood.

"Your answers were wrong! Where's his shit?"

Blake points to his backpack that was thrown across the bathroom.

"Good we can get the answers and take the rest of his shit for firewood."

Both kids run out of the bathroom leaving Jason on the floor writhing in pain.

"" Jason limps to his class just before lunch.

"Why are you late?"

Jason sits at his desk before responding.

"Held up in the bathroom, don't worry about it."

The teacher gave him a pink slip, detention. Whatever, I can get out of detention. Jason held his stomach for most of class and stayed silent.


"Ah yes, pizza! The least disgusting food all week!"

Laughter fills the small group of friends including Jason himself. "Yeah, but they could at least give us real milk!"

More laughter from the group, as to be expected from 8th grade friends. A voice comes from the school intercom

Attention students! We are now under lock down! Please make your way to the corners of the room you are in, turn off the lights and your cellphones!

Panic fills the room as the children swarm for the edge of the cafeteria. Jason however, is not afraid. He sneaks out of the cafeteria and into the hallway to see the issue.

"Hey! Who the hell are you kid?!"

Jason has been spotted and rounds the corner only to be captured.

"Gotcha kid."

Jason is taken to the front of the school where many armed and many of whom are wearing robes.

"What's going on?! What are you gonna do?!"

Dark clouds begin to form above them all. A storm is coming, a bad storm.

"Wait! What is that?!"

A sharp blade is pulled from its sheath, terrifying Jason. They pull him closer to a bucket that is stained with blood.

"We need a sacrifice for our god to give us eternal life! You are a perfect candidate."

Jason held with his arms restrained behind his back. His wrists and shoulders being bent inward to keep him from moving.

"Now, give us the life we want in exchange for the life we give you!"

The blade is struck in Jason's back, almost severing his spine in two, killing him slowly and painfully. Jason closes his eyes only to open them again and be standing in nothing but black depths and reaches of nothing. It's calm, safe, and quiet.

"Hello? Is anyone here?"

Jason was greeted by a man in a black suit. He wore a red tie, a black fedora covering his face in shadows.

"Hello there, Jason. I must say I've been watching you for a few years and, well, your life is total shit."

"Yeah, thanks. I couldn't have figured that out myself."

Jason's retort was not appreciated by the man in the black suit.

"You have 20 seconds before you bleed out, I suggest you listen boy. I can bring you back but at a very dire cost."

Jason was in no position to make an argument, however he would ask one question.

"What happens?"

"You will be resurrected with my power, my immortality, my invulnerability. You will have no equal, but you will be my personal soldier for the apocalypse. Deal?"

The man in the black suit holds his hand out for only a moment before Jason shakes it in agreement.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2018 ⏰

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