Chapter 35: Resonate

Start from the beginning

Where are you? Chloe asked Max, in her mind. Hoping that Max's powers extended to telepathy, and she could somehow hear Chloe's thoughts. Of course, Chloe has a fairly good idea where Max was, but the doubt rising in her chest was enough to keep her on edge.

"Would you cut it out?" Warren barked, flicking off the car stereo. "I can't drive with that garbage playing in my ears."

"Garbage?" Nathan echoed, "this music has been regarded as 'revolutionary' and has had a huge influence in pop culture."

Chloe chuffed in the back seat, Fall Out Boy was 'revolutionary'?

"The Nerd is kind of right." She chimed in from the back.

Warren spared a quick backward glance at her, before looking back at the road. No doubt glad to hear her voice after almost an hour of dead silence. "Thank you, Chloe."

"Wha-" Nathan was at a loss of words, "impartial third party!" He cried, pointing back at Chloe. His playful tone almost made Chloe laugh.

"Just... accept defeat." Warren said, using one hand to grab Nathan's and lightly pin it down against the console between them. He didn't let go.

Chloe looked at their hands, one on top of the other. Did she miss something, or was Warren the kind of guy that liked having physical contact with people? Either way, neither of them seemed to mind the lingering contact.

Chloe's own hand suddenly felt cold. It missed Max's warm touch, her small fingers tangled up with Chloe's calloused one. The idea brought tears to the blue haired girl's eyes. Both in sadness, and anger.

How could Chloe have been so stupid? It felt like all of this was her fault to begin with. Why couldn't she just have been supportive and understanding? No, it wasn't her fault. She had a right to feel the way she did. She had a right to be confused about all of this. Hell knows everyone else was.

The girl slumped herself against the back of her seat, praying for a bottle to help her get through this infuriating car ride. Warren and Nathan went back to bickering in the front about music and other things that Chloe didn't care about. Instead, she grabbed her earbuds and drowned them out entirely.

Without a care for what she listened to, Chloe pressed shuffle, and turned her phone off.

The sound that filled her ears made her eyes water.

She had never really liked the song, but it was one of Max's favourites. The Brunette always listened to it when she was upset, or just needed something to jam to. The gentle piano melody soothed all of Chloe's nerves, it made of simpler times. When the song suddenly jumped into a playful electro-jazz tune, Chloe almost jumped. When the lyrics started, Chloe mouthed every word by heart.

Spread your wings through the night.

Observe as flames fill the sky.

It's just your frame of mind.

Strike the match, ignite your life.

Chloe pressed her temple against the cool car window. The sun had just begun to peek over the horizon, washing the very edge of the world in a dark orange. This entire thing wasn't Chloe's fault, she knew that. The thing she didn't know was how she was going to make it all up to Max.

Spread your wings in the night.

Anticipate the lonely roads.

Don't ever lose your soul.

It wasn't fair. It wasn't fair that Max had to deal with this, and that Chloe was subject to it, too. As soon as Chloe reached Max, they were going to sit down, and have the talk they'd desperately needed to have. That is, if Chloe ever found Max.

If I want Harmony.

Dissonance within your voice.

When you smile, you burn

Down absent walls in your mind.

Who was she kidding, of course Chloe would see Max again. She was treating this as if it were some high stakes situation. Max had left on her own, and hadn't been gone for even 12 hours. There was a big chance Chloe was just overreacting about all of this.

Happiness is all I really need.

Don't fear the darkness,

It's your light that shines so brightly.

Chloe wasn't betting on that chance, though. She was going to take this seriously. It was unlike Max to up and vanish like this, so Chloe was sure to take it as serious as possible. Watching the sun rise even more, Chloe began composing things she intended to say to Max, the second she could.

Look back upon the night.

It's always dark before the dawn.

So simple now, you see?

Strike the match to set you free.

"Hey, Chloe. We are stopping for a bathroom break. Need anything?" Warren's words were surprisingly loud over the music, until Chloe realized that he had taken one of her earbuds. A piss break, now? Goddamn it they'd barely been on the road an hour and a half and they were already taking bathroom breaks. Chloe wanted to snap at him, to tell Warren to get back in the fucking car, and get a move on. There were important things at stake. But, she didn't.

"Um, no. I'll be alright." She responded in one breath, forcing out her best smile. Warren could tell that it didn't reach her eyes. He frowned, but ducked out of the car anyway. Chloe grabbed the one earbud that had fallen onto the seat, and rubbed it with her sleeve. Too late, though, the song was rolling to an end.

Alone in the car, Chloe pushed her cheek up against the window and closed her eyes, savouring the silence of the car. This was all happening too fast, Chloe had troubles keeping her mind straight. Sometimes, she felt like this was merely a bloated game of hide and seek, but others; this was life and death.

"Made it a quick one." Warren said, pulling open the truck door. The sensation made the whole truck jolt, and Chloe moved her face away from the glass.

"Good for you?" She responded, not sure what else to say. Warren's laugh was nothing more than forced puffs of air. He looked back at her with such heavy sympathy, she had to look away.

"I know you're worried. I know you're scared." Warren said. What does he think he knows about me? Chloe's thoughts burned. She stopped herself. A lot. He knows a lot about you, because he's your friend, Chloe.

"We're going to find her, Chloe. Max wouldn't leave you without saying goodbye." Warren put his hand on Chloe's shoulder. She let him keep it there.

"Are you sure?" Chloe asked, doubtful.

Warren's smile was both jarring, and reassuring. "Of course I am."

Suddenly, the drive ahead of them didn't seem so long.

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