Where is my spiderson?

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To put it short, Tony was freaking out. Peter was missing At first, Tony thought he was ignoring him because he was mad that he took the suit away. But then he started to get worried when Happy told him that Peter hasn't texted or called him since the ferry incident. So Tony texted him himself, hoping he'd respond, because even if he'd never admit it to anyone, he missed the kid. Yeah, he was mad at him for the ferry, but he and Happy had made some mistakes then too. Maybe he shouldn't have taken the suit away. But then he gets the call that nearly gave him the biggest heart attack. Happy had just explained that the same man Peter was warning them about was trying to steal his technology again! But that's not what gave him the heart attack, his plane was crashed in the only place that wouldn't get anyone hurt and the Vulture seemed fine, while wrapped up in webs with a note that signed SP. Now who could that be from? But that wasn't that worst part, Peter wasn't anywhere to be found. Tony immediately ran a scan all around New York Queens, but Peter's heat signature wasn't anywhere to be found, so he ran it throughout the all New York. Still no Peter. Dang it! He should have known Peter wouldn't stop being Spiderman, with or without the suit. So what did Tony do? What he does best. Complain to Rhodey.
"-and then when I took his suit away I was just so angry, but he's a kid! Kids make mistakes! Adults make mistakes! And no one even died! It wasn't even fully his fault! Heck, it was hardly his fault! And now I can't find him after he's taken down someone the avengers should have dealt with on his own! After everything he just decides that now is the best time to disappear! And now I'm freaking out and I don't even know why-"
"Tony! I have no idea what you're talking about! So if you could please explain that'd be great." Rhodey yelled, looking like he had a migraine, which he probably did. So Tony explained everything, from Germany to now. Rhodey looked like he just went through the five stages of grief in 0.5 seconds.
"So let me get this straight, you brought a 14 year old to a fight with the avengers, left him on his own with a suit you made for months, ignored him most the time, expected him to trust you when no one told him anything, took away the best protection he had, ignored him again, and now he's missing." Rhodey glared as Tony looked away guiltily.
"Dang it, Tony! No wonder he tried to take care of the ferry himself. Because no one gave him reason to believe it was being taken care of! No one took him seriously!" Rhodey nearly yelled and Tony sighed in understanding.
"Yeah, I got that. I'll apologize and give him back the suit when I find him."
"And do what? Ignore him again?" Rhodey asked, corssing him arms and giving him a 'are you serious' look.
"No! I'll tell him to text me instead and I'll respond." Tony responded. Rhodey shook his head and sighed.
"No Tony, that's not good enough. He might say that's fine, but he still won't trust you. He might believe he does, but he won't. You need to prove to him that he can trust you. And trust me, that's not something you can fix with money." Rhodey sighed, knowing that was going to be his answer. Tony had never known how to fix a problem without money or machines, and that was mostly Howard's fault, so he couldn't blame him for not knowing how to fix this. What he could blame him for what practically treating the kid how Howard treated him, ignoring him. At least he tried to praise him. But when the kid did something wrong, Tony made the same mistake Howard did, forget all the thing he did right.
"Then what can I do?" Tony pleaded, and Rhodey instantly knew he cared, because in all the years he has known the man, he has never pleaded.
"Show him that you trust him. And don't just throw him back out there and ignore him again, he'll lose his trust in you then. After you show him you trust him, then you have to decide what to do then." Rhodey answered before walking away, Tony silently standing there. How was Tony supposed to show that he trusted Peter? After he saved all his tech, of course he trusted him. For some reason, Tony trusted Peter more than most people. Peter was probably the only superhero doing what he was doing just for good, and wanting to just save people. That more than all the other avengers could say. Oh no. Tony thought. He cared. Whenever he cared, bad things happened. Either the people he cared about died, almost died, or left him. Rhodey and Pepper were the only ones that haven't died or left him. Tony could only hope Peter would be one of those people when he found him, because he was not dead. Him being dead, would be worse if he left Tony. And the worst part was, Peter stopped the Vulture (was and almost died he was sure) because of him. If he had just told the kid he took care of the problem they wouldn't be in this mess. Tony had to him. But where could Peter be? He decided to call May to see if he was home, even if he was supposed to be at his homecoming.
"Hello?" May's voice asked, no panicking, so she didn't just find out that Peter was dead. Good.
"Hi May, it's Tony, is Peter there? I need to talk to him." Tony asked, trying to stay calm.
"Oh, Mr. Stark?! Why do you need to talk to Peter? He said he lost the Stark internship." May asked, but why did she sound a little mad? And why did Peter say that? Sure he took the suit but that didn't mean he wanted to cut him out of his life completely!
"Yeah uh, I wanted to offer it back." Tony responded because honestly, what else could he say? But that seemed to be the wrong thing to say.
"Oh really? After months you now decide you want to talk to him?! And about what?! The internship? Or Spiderman?" May practically scream and Tony froze.
"H-how do you-all"
"He's great at keeping secrets he wants to keep, and he didn't want to keep their from me. He doesn't know that I know, but I know about the ferry. And believe me that was not his fault. And after months of neglecting him, he still thought you were a saint and he was the worst person in the world. How dare you tell him that he could have caused a lot of deaths and use his worst fear against him when he didn't deserve it!" May screamed and Tony made a mental note to never introduced her to Pepper. This all just made him feel even worse. He didn't know how May found out what he said to Peter, but he just really needed to know that he was ok.
"May, I'm sorry but-"
"He came home crying!" For some reason, this was the worst she's said. Tony knew it was very hard to make Peter cry, how could he not? It was difficult to insult him! Even Happy's bad mood couldn't damper it. And Tony has somehow managed to make one of the most happy and bubbly people in the world cry. It felt like a stab to the chest.
"... He what?" Tony hoped he heard wrong. Just taking away the suit couldn't have made Peter-
"He came home crying. He tried to hold it together for me, but he couldn't." Before Tony knew it, a year broke out of his eye.
"May, I am so sorry. I just- I wanted to apologise to him. Is- is he home?" Tony asked, trying to not make it sound like he was crying.
"No, he's not." May answered. Right, Peter wasn't even in New York, how could that he have forgotten?
"Do you know where he is?" Tony asked.
"Goodnight Mr. Stark." May said and hung up. He hung his head. What has he done? How could he take the suit away and ignore him over a simple mistake? And not even Peter's mistake. Even Happy told him it was a bad idea to take the suit. No, he could rethink his life choices later, he had to find Peter and make it right. So Tony called someone he hoped could help, someone who would do now and scold him later.
"Hey Bruce, I need help."

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