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Forgetting him

was like

learning ABC's

with 1, 2, 3

at barely 3 years old

without a

visual aid around me.

Forgetting him

was like

mastering DEFG

and HIJK

without being fluent

with ABC's

yet still continuing

the course

without a mentor

who can guide me.

Forgetting him

was like

reaching LMNOP

then QRST

and UVW

realizing that after X

is Y

questioning myself


why you fooled me?

Forgetting him

was like

not making it to letter Z

because it's

hopeless to learn ABC's

with 1, 2, 3

without a visual aid

without a mentor

without a guide

and at a young age

as barely three.

Forgetting him

was like

defying the letters

and definition

of impossible

into possible.


"Have you forgotten him?"

"I guess I haven't for
he's still the first one
that popped on my mind
before you could even
finish your question."

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