"Good Morning everyone! This is your first day in college. Better be good or you'll be sen - -

"We're sorry for being late" two girls said in chorus while bowing their heads infront.

Jeez seriously?!

They stood directly and the other girl caught my gaze. I think I've seen her already.


Ohh she's the girl named Kkura! The one I've bumped into! She looks pretty with our pink uniform. She fixed her pink tie and put her hair behind her ears.

Ohh gosh it's freaking attractive!

"Ah yeah Ms. Miyawaki and Ms.
Ahn. Hmm take a seat" our professor said. There are only 2 vacant seats and the other 1 is beside me while the other is near the window.

The tall girl went beside the window so there's no more available seat except for the one beside me.

She then walked her way on the chair next to mine.

"Uhm you look familiar. By the way I'm Sakura Miyawaki" She extended her hand for a shake.

She.... She's pretty *0*

"Y- you're prett- - I- I mean I'm the one who bumped you yesterday and I'm sorry. I'm Chaeyeon Lee" I said darn it! I can't even get a hold of what I'm saying!

"Ahh yeah I remembered that, it's okay. Would you mind if I seat here? " she said

"There's no one sitting on that chair so I wouldn't mind" I said while smiling.

The boring discussion went on and I'm bored and sleepy.

"Yenaaa, can you tour me around the school tomorrow after class? " I turned to my right where Yena is, and poked her cheeks.

"Yeah but you'll buy me ice cream in return" she replied while grinning.

"Sure! " I replied back.


After our class, Yena toured me around the school as she promised. She even named all the buildings in the school. She really knows it.

And we're here at the canteen lining our self up to buy the ice cream that I myself also promised.

My allowance will easily fade away if I'm always with this girl -.-

I was about to get my money when I heard a voice that knocks off the crowd.

"I told you that don't touch my gir - - I mean Minju didn't I?" said a tall girl who I remembered with Sakura when she entered the room. The Minju girl is pulling the tall girl out of the crowd but the tall girl refuses.

"She doesn't like you! You dumbass! You looked like a chicken's feet! Touch her or els- - -

"Or else what huh? " the boy infront of her said, looking as if he's challenging the girl.

"Oh no, not again Yujin - ah " I heard Yena said while holding an ice cream.

She immediately run towards the crowd.

"You're the one who's gonna pay her bill right? Here is it " the cashier said.

Wh- what? 500 won?

Aish Yenaaaaaaaa!

I paid the bill with only 200 won left for me ㅠㅠ.

I followed her in the crowd. She's also holding the girl in the shoulder. She looked up to the tall girl's face pfft that's cute! She's too small.

"Yujin-ah stop it or else you'll be sent to the guidance office again! " Yena said as if she's scolding her little sister.

She pulled the Yujin girl out of the crowd together with the Minju girl.

W-wait. Is it just me or.....

they're weird?


You're mine and I'm yours (Chaekura) Where stories live. Discover now