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Life is short.

Life is, indeed, shorter. You'll never know when you'll die, if ever you ever still live or die unknowingly the next day or whatever. And as for me, I have a time limit.

My life has a time limit. I found out about that when I was six. They said I suffer from a disease that is incurable and that I couldn't reach the age of 20.

I was hospitalized, in my whole life. I was always imprisoned inside this four walls, lying on the bed with wires connected to my body.

I wanted to enjoy my life. I wanted to be like a normal person. A person who can eat sweets and foods freely. A person that can run, that can play and do all the things I want.

But I wanted to live longer. Because once I do all of those...

And reach my limit...

I will die.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2018 ⏰

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