Lexi: Well, I'm not throwing myself out there... but there's me...

Josh turned and looked at Lexi.

Josh: You?

Lexi: Look, I'll just come out and say it. Josh, I like you. As in "like" you. The moment I first saw you, I was in love with every single part of you. Your looks, your body, it really makes me attracted to you. That was the reason why I kissed you in Starbucks.

Josh: Wow... usually it's me explaining to a girl why I like them. I've never had someone openly admit their feelings to me... ever.

By now, their faces were mere millimetres apart, and Josh pulled Lexi in and kissed her for the first time off camera. The moment he pulled away, Lexi smiled at him.

Lexi: For a guy who's just been dumped, you sure do move on pretty quickly.

Josh: Well, I can't help but be attracted to your beauty.

Lexi smiled even wider as Josh kissed her one last time before they had to go to gorilla for his first match in the IC title tournament.

Lexi: Go get 'em, tiger.

Their hands were in a grip with each other's as they made their way to the ring. After 10 minutes, Josh got the win, with his finisher, The 25th Hour. After the celebration, Lexi grabbed a mic.

Lexi: What me and this man have... none of you will ever get. We are stronger than anything, and anyone, and whoever Josh faces next, he will run through them and he will win that Intercontinental title from you, Seth.

The promo ended with Lexi kissing Josh as the fans cheered them both, despite them both being heels. Backstage, Josh was bemused at Lexi's promo.

Josh: Wow! You killed it out there!

Lexi: Anything to try and impress you...

Lexi wrapped her arms around his chest and felt up his body.

Josh: Hey, Lexi... did you fancy coming back to my hotel room tonight? It's just, I don't wanna spend another night on my own. You don't have to say yes...

Lexi: Yes, I will. I was meant to hitch a ride with Bayley and the girls, but I can just tell them I'm going with you instead.

Josh: Awesome, let's go!

As Josh and Lexi headed off to his dressing room, Bayley, Sasha and Liv looked on.

Bayley: Aww... look at those cuties...

Sasha: They look amazing together...

Liv: Wish I was that lucky...

Bayley: Aww don't worry, Liv-Liv! You'll find someone!

At the hotel...

Josh and Lexi pulled up in his Audi R8 at the hotel. As Josh unpacked both his and Lexi's bags, he then checked them both in to the hotel's only penthouse, and when they got there, Lexi was in awe of the sight from the window.

Lexi: Whoa... LA looks amazing like this...

Josh soon joined her by walking up behind her and wrapping his arms around her small petite body.

Josh: That view isn't the only amazing thing I can see... I'm looking at something... or should I say... some-ONE else amazing?!

Lexi: You're a real charmer, aren't you?

Josh: When I wanna be, yeah.

Lexi: So now that we're here, what do you wanna do?

Josh: Well, I need a shower... as for you... I have my laptop on me so you can watch Netflix, any Disney movie you fancy.

Lexi: You, sir, know exactly the way to my heart.

Lexi smiled at him as she kissed him on the cheek and left him to enjoy his shower. 15 minutes later, Josh returned from the bathroom to see that Lexi was entranced in one of her favourite Disney movies.

Josh: What you watching?

Lexi: Frozen... I love this movie...

Josh got into bed with Lexi, and she snuggled up to him as the movie continued. After another half an hour, Lexi couldn't help but notice Josh was staring at her.

Lexi: What are you looking at? Cos I know you're not watching the movie...

Josh: That's because I'm looking at something just as good. You.

Lexi smiled at him as she paused the movie. She shifted herself so she was looking directly into Josh's eyes. Josh then cupped a hand on Lexi's face and as she leaned into it, Josh passionately kissed her and she kissed him back as it got more and more heated.

Josh: Lexi... would you do me the honour of being my girlfriend?

Lexi: There's nothing I'd like more, Josh!

They kissed once more before snuggling up again and continuing to watch Frozen. By the end of the movie, Lexi had fallen asleep on Josh's chest, so he carefully put his laptop on the floor and kissed Lexi's forehead before talking to himself once again.

Josh: I wish you knew how happy you make me, but one day, I will prove it to you. I love you, Lexi, and I always will.

A New Beginning (Alexa Bliss & OC)Where stories live. Discover now