"that stuff is nasty, it's all chicken fat" I gagged

"says the dude eating pork or should I say rat"

That's the biggest difference between Taylor and I. Our appetites. There's barely any foods we both enjoy. I like burgers he likes chicken sandwiches. I prefer pasta and he prefers pizza. You can't win when it comes to us and food.

"shhh the movie's starting" Leigh said

We both stuck our middle fingers up to him then turned our attention to the TV.

Halfway through the movie I found myself laid up under the covers cuddling with Masai. It was a habit I have since I usually watch horror movies with Taylor and cuddle with him. I forgot it was Masai on the bed with me and when I remembered it became too late.

It wasn't bad though. He smelt good and was playing in my hair in a soothing way. For the first time I wasn't scared to watch the movie. Of course the jump scares still caught me but I was more relaxed. The only weird part was the thinness of his shorts and his lack of underwear.

"They're sleeping" He whispered in my ear

I turned to look and both Leigh and Taylor were knocked. Taylor still on the beanbag and Leigh hanging half off the bed. I guess I was really into the movie because I hadn't noticed their snores until now.

"Taylor's like you?" He asked

"what do you mean?"

"is he like bi, gay..."

"He's straight. he has his fruity moments but doesn't every guy? He even once offered to be the one to take my virginity, just so it wouldn't be with a f-boy but I wouldn't do that to him"

"aww, you got a good friend"

"yeah I know. he would fight the whole world for me, even if he's no match. His little skinny self be thinking he's my macho older brother even though he's 5 days younger than me"

At this point we weren't even watching the movie anymore. We were still cuddled up but now we were facing each other.

"you're so...beautiful"

"Masai!" I whisper yelled before trying to get out of his grip

"don't worry I'm not gonna try anything. I just wanted to compliment you, you deserve it"

"thanks but—please stop. I already told you"

"why won't you just give a nigga a chance?"

"because I'm smart. What's better than having to fix or treat? prevention. The first principle of green chemistry. I'd rather not have to deal with the outcome of us than to risk it and what I fear most actually happen"

"so we can take it slow, we don't have to have sex just yet if that's not what you want. I'm willing to go at your pace"

"it's not even about sex. I just—"

"tell me you don't like me. tell me you don't at least think about me in that way, just a little bit. tell me this doesn't do anything to you and then I'll stop"

He grabbed my hand then brought it down to his pants touching his bulge. I immediately pulled my hand back from both being scared and feeling a little molested.

"it...it's more complicated than that"

"you're guarding your heart and I get that. I will admit I'm not the most...faithful guy but when I see something I like I'm willing to try. and right now I see something I like—someone I like"

"what you just felt, I can promise you that from here on out you'll be the only one allowed anywhere near it. I put that over my dead father" He continued

"We just met..."

"and that's supposed to mean what? I'm not asking you to marry me or to even be my boyfriend. all I'm asking of you is to just give me a chance. let me take you out on a date, get to cuddle you like this every night, get to..."

He leaned in which caused me to close my eyes even though I knew it was the wrong thing to do. His lips and mine connected like two perfect puzzle pieces. He didn't even have to move, this alone was intensifying. My heart started rapidly beating and I felt a little stirring down there as he pressed his body closer to mine.

"...get to kiss you like that every once in a while" He said when he pulled back

"I-I-uh" I was at a lost for words

"can you guys just fuck and keep it quiet" Leigh said

I turned to see him adjusting himself on the bed and getting comfortable.

"so what do you say?" Masai asked

I looked over at Taylor who was sleeping peacefully then up at the ceiling.

"I'm tired" I said turning fully over so we weren't facing each other anymore "good night"

He sighed then turned over as well so we were back to back.



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