"Wait, what, A normal life...What's wrong with her?" He asked.

"Hey, nothings wrong with her!" I said raising my voice a bit.

"I'm sorry I'm just confused." He said shyly.

"It's okay sorry I yelled a little." I said with a little laugh.Not wanting to explain what really happened with the people eating demo dogs and shit I explained half the truth.

"She was abandoned and I found her in the woods so I took her in and we started "dating" and then our local chief Hopper adopted her and now she's leading to a normal life." I explained.

"Oh that's nice, you too are still good friends?"

"Of course" I said with a nod.

Richies POV

Time passed by and I kept getting anxious. I felt the need to tell Eddie how I felt but man was I terrified.
He's never shown any signs towards liking me, and I just doubt he does. He came out to our friend group as gay a couple years back, but no one knows that I also like guys, I mean I've talked to Bev and Bill about it a couple times I think, but I haven't officially come out to anyone

I decided I have nothing to lose. I'm not even in the same state as him so I was just gonna go for it and write how I felt to Eddie. It took me almost an hour to write the letter to eds, but none than less it got done. I was ready to fold it up to send away but I re read one more time. It was hard but I sent it out about 15 minutes later. I sent a quick message to Eddie.


Me: hey I sent an important letter to you and you should get it tomorrow, night:)

Eddies POV

I woke up this morning to the letter Richie sent. It must be important if he didn't just text me. I walk downstairs, go outside and grab it out of the mailbox with the other mail.

"Eddie, what were you doing outside?" My mom asks as I walk back in.

"I was getting the mail." I reply.

I quickly put Richies letter in my back pocket so my mom couldn't see it, then I put the rest of the mail on the table. I ran up to my room and opened it.

Dear eddie,
Eds, Eddie spaghetti, eddo spaghetto, Eddie bear, Edwardo, Edward spaghettward. I called you these stupid names when I met you because I didn't know what else to do. I wanted to talk to you so I just took your name for a convo starter. I didn't know they would actually make you mad but we were just little and they stuck. I wrote this letter because I wanted it to be more special than a text message and I couldn't say it to you over a screen, so here we are. The truth is, and the point of this message is...I like you...no, Love you. I've always loved you as a friend but I realized it's more. I'm in love with you. I love when you get angry at me for your nicknames, and when you won't shut up about being safe, when you help me after I get hurt. I like your perfect hair and your little shorts and your beautiful face, god you're so pretty eds. I don't know what else to say. I know you most likely don't like me back but I had to get this off me. I hope this doesn't ruin our friendship because if it does I won't be able to live with myself.
But that's it
Love, Richie

My heart pounded and my palms started to sweat.
Richie likes me?
I immediately think the worst, what if he's joking or someone did this as a prank. So even though I'm terrified to do so, I call him.

"Eds?" I hear him say in a shaky voice

"Yeah, yeah It's me."

"What's up?" He says, his voice getting shakier.

"I got your letter."

"Oh." he says in a low dropped voice.

"look Eddie I'm really sorry I-" Rich started but I cut him off.

"Wait Richie don't apologize yet I'm just, well wondering if this was some sort of prank or joke or- I don't know."

"What no Eddie it's not a joke, I'm sorry but it's really how I feel. I know you're probably hoping it was a joke but i'm really sorry oh god I'm sorry."Richie starts.

"Hey dipshit can you stop apologizing."

"What?" Richie says confused.

I laugh a little,
"I like you too."

ooop, reddie
much love

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