Just Friends [Poem]

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I get up and sit next to you

But ignore me is all you do

Is this the way to treat your girlfriend

Or has this all come to an end?

Why did you ask

"Are we still going out?"

We obviously still were

You lout

I soon later find out

What this is all about

At first you weren't straight up

Then you finally said "I want a break-up"

You made your decision

It is time to move on

But why, I am uncertain

Did I do something wrong?

So I am left here to sit

And wonder

I can't think of a reason that would fit

I am so torn asunder

And though I have not cried

I feel close to nothing inside

Yet I almost feel free

Because I don't have to live

With a silent plea

Begging you to talk to me

Instead I can just forgive

Forgive your apathy

And maybe we can go back to the way things used to be

As just friends

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