We Are Giants

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Yawning, Gary awoke from a troubled slumber and tried to remember what happened yesterday evening. Yet his memories were patchy. He only remembered how he had gone to a bar with his three best friends after a Take That concert and then had to have exposed his brain after so much around the third glass. As a result, his head also boned like wild and so Gary sometimes felt that a wild woodpecker omitted his aggression on him.

In order to be able to do something about his headaches, he immediately visited the bathroom and thus went directly towards his medicine cabinet. But on half of the track Gary suddenly stopped, because something came under his eyes, that could not be completely and he therefore wondered how something came within his four walls. In his bathtub was actually a suit, with a tied tie around the collar, which definitely did not belong to him. He recognized this alone in terms of size, which was clearly a few numbers too big for him. While he took a closer look at the scraps, a smell rose to his nose - which seemed quite familiar to him. It somehow smelled like a certain aftershave, which in its closer circle of acquaintances actually used only one. When the associated name came to mind and wanted to say it out loud, Gary suddenly heard a slightly squeaky and subdued voice.


Where in God's name did the voice come from? There was no one here in the bathroom but himself. Did Gary go among the schizophrenics recently and accordingly heard any voices in his head? ...No. That couldn't be the case.

"Gary!" The voice could then be heard again.

"Um, ...yes?" Gary simply spoke into the empty room.

"Help me."

"Who is there?"

"It's me, Robbie."

"Ro ...Rob? What ...what the hell is that supposed to be? Are you so bored yet again that you want to settle for one of your so-called games at the expense of my feelings? ...And besides, where are you?" Gary reacted somewhat dismissively to the name of the invisible person, whom he would like to forget at the moment.

Why shouldn't he? For one thing, Gary really didn't feel like getting involved in any games from his ex-boyfriend. Even though their separation was now just over two months behind, it still hurt him. After a three-year and happy relationship, Gary had to be told by Robbie that he was something of a pastime - just a hobby. The Gary's world then, and as expected in thousands of shards, didn't really have to be mentioned, did it? Even though he was hurt and deeply disappointed by Robbie in the nastiest, he still possessed a secret weakness for him. Robbie was and will remain forever his dream man.

Despite everything, he tried to forget him as best he could and also didn't want this damn good-looking guy to step back in his life and continue to play with his feelings. For this bad joke to finally come to an end here he looked for Robbie's words - "I don't know. Everything here is so dark.", after a bug, mobile phone or the like. So the first thing he did was lead a hand into the inside pocket, where Gary actually grasped something, too. Yet somehow it felt jarring. Then, when he pulled this groped out to the daylight and shortly afterwards took a look at a fidgeting and screaming something, Gary got big eyes and had to scream out loud in the process with fright. Unfavourably wise, at the sight of a shrunken Robbie, he dropped him and found himself on the ground within a fraction of a second.

"W ...what's the hell!" Tripped Gary, peering over to the bathtub with his eyes ripped open.

How was it possible? A Robbie Williams in miniature format couldn't possibly be real and so Gary believed he had to hallucinate. Apparently, because of his alcohol consumption, his hangover even gave him a further consequence. Other than that, Gary just couldn't explain it. Hoping he could really push it onto the booze and thus see it as a hallucination, he crawled toward the plumbing, lifted his head slightly and carefully loaded into the inside. And in such a way that only his eye area could be seen.

It Takes A Big Man To Be Someone - Take That FF (in English)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon