Chapter 2

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Dovewing stared around wildly, faint wails of helpless cats rang out in the clearing. Four tall oaks stood around her. Cats battled below her, she tried to move her paws but they wouldn't budge. Shaking her head wildly Dovewing cried out trying to shut out the wails of terrified cats. Suddenly the ground lurched beneath her.

The next thing she knew she was in the warriors den. Scrambling to her paws she raced out of the den and skidded to a halt at the camp entrance.

"I'm hunting." She gasped to Squirrelflight who was guarding the entrance. "Ok." Was all she said.

The fresh air felt good as Dovewing raced through the forest. Her paws were heading in the direction of the Windclan border. Good, she thought to herself, the water will feel good on my paws.

Once she arrived at the border, she dipped her paws into the stream. Closing her eyes she relished the feeling of the cool water spinning around her paws.

She inhaled deeply, drinking in the scents of the forest. Suddenly another smell hit her nose. It's was the smell of a single Windclan warrior.

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