Back to the Beginning

Start from the beginning

"Look Joey, it's them, they're here."

"Okay, Okay, I'm almost there."

a small range of silence.......


"Oh, hello........Mr. Drew."
Tom said with a slight glare.

"Now don't be glaring at him again, Tom."


"So, what made you two visit us after......what happened?"
Henry Asked.

"Well.....We're just thinking how you guys were doing."
Allison replied.

"We even came across the old studio before we got here."
Tom continued.

"It was temporarily shut down?"
Tom asked.

"Oh yeah, about that....."

"We planned on maybe renovating the place, but we still try to think of how we're going to do it, so Joey suggested to run the studio back up again, but this time, we try a little twist to it?"
Henry said with a bright grin.

"What cha' mean by a 'twist'?"
Tom asked again.

"Well, since our some of our workers before, yknow turned into cartoons, I was thinking of putting it back, but maybe in a different approach?"
Joey replied.

"What kind of approach?"
Allison asked.

"To put it in short, we'll be working with another cartoon company so the experience we had before won't go to waste."
Henry explained.

"Oh, then who will you be working with?"
Allison asked curiously.

"the studio you're working at, I think it's called Archgate films?"
Joey replied.

"Don't ya go cuttin' corners again Mr. Drew, ya know what got the studio in a rusted broken ol' hell in the first place, now didn't ya?"
Tom exclaimed both politely but a little harsh.

*sigh* "You're still going on about that?"
Allison said.

"I lost mah hand for goodness sake!"

"Okay, okay, but you do look tough with that."

Tom blushed, and attempted to hide it from them.

"oh yeah, I almost forgot, how's you're married life goin'?"
Henry asked.

"It has been really delightful to spend my life with Tom."
Allison replied.

"I see......just out of curiosity, how did you guys meet in the first place?"
Joey Asked.


After the experiments of Joey Drew have been done and he left the studio, the characters have roamed around the studio going deeper and deeper.

Allison Pendle, then turning into Allison Angel was one of those roaming around to find a way out of the studio, she's been trying to find any other cartoon like people in the studio, but kept on seeing ink searchers, and clones of other cartoons, even some of the lost ones.

Meanwhile, Thomas Connor who turned into Boris, holding his handy toolbox anywhere he goes and is in digust to see broken pipes, inky dripping walls, ink flooded floors, and the elevator that can almost kill someone. He was roaming to see what other things will come his way.

"This buildin' is fallin' into pieces. Mr. Drew just have to force em' pipes and other nonsense things here."
Thomas said.

While Tom is roaming around, he was hoping he can come across a person so they can help escape together, fortunately, Allison has the same goal. They're roaming around the hallway until....







"Hmmmm.......Oh! Ummmmm.....Tom?"


"Oh! Tom, are you okay?"


"Here, let me help you up Miss.....?"



Tom lend his hand to her, she gratefully accepted it, Tom tried to guess what her name would be.

"Ummmmm........Miss Campbell?"

"Susie Campbell? I'm not Susie...."

"Oh, ummmmmmm.......Miss Pendle?"

"Allison Pendle...."

"Miss Pendle?"

"I think I'm Allison..."

"Oh! uhhhhh...."

"is something the matter?"



"We should go somewhere safe before we get caught by the Angel or the Ink Demon."
Tom Nodded and they set out to find a homebase to stay for a while. they eventually found a safe place to stay and rest for a bit. While they're there, Allison wanted to know him better, also Tom wants to do the same.

"So.......Allison, how did you turn into Alice?"

"Well, I don't remember, the last thing I knew is that I was in a ritual circle and everything's gone black."

"Oh, guess we have the same memory."

"Hmmmmm, Okay...Tom, what's your actual full name?"


"What's your last name?"

"I...Don't know, I don't even know what my name is anymore."

"Oh, I guess we both forgot. That's okay, maybe we'll find out in the future."


"And that's how we met."

"Oh, I'm surprised you guys can get along without knowing anything about each other."
Henry exclaimed.

"We had our ways of communication along the way."
Tom said.

"Well, if I may ask Tom, why did you seem like you don't want me in th safehouse."
Henry Asked.

"I think I can answer that, if it's okay?"
Allison spoke up.

"Go ahead Sweetie, I don't want to hurt Henry's feelin's."
Tom said.

"Well, the thing is Henry, since we forgot who you are, we don't trust you that much, in Tom's case, you look like a threat, so he doesn't trust you at all, it's a good thing he came to trust you in the end."
Allison explained.

"Yeah, I'm glad Tom came to trust me after our first meeting."
Henry exclaimed.

"Oh no, it's already dark."
Allison said worried.

"Don't worry, you can stay here for the night."
Henry suggested.

"Thanks Pal, we appreciate it."
Tom thanked them.

After the long talk, they had dinner, went to bed, and slept until the sun rises once again.

**Ummmm...I hope you guys like this new story, I really ship them hard, and I hope some of you do as well.

Thanks For Reading~
Bai My Stars~

A New Future Awaits (Allison Angel x Tom Boris ONESHOTS)Where stories live. Discover now