Chapter 3

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After I was released From detention, I text Stokeley to come and by me. But he never answered or texted back. Great. Just Fucking great. I'll have to walk, in the cold rain.

I start walking, making sure that I wouldn't trip if I had ran. I check my phone every now and then to see if I had gotten a reply back. Nothing. I groan as a car comes, splashy v water all over my now soaken wet clothes.

-short timeskip-

 I finally see Stokeleys apartment, so I walk faster to it. Once I get to his door I knock. For about 5 minutes I had to wait, before he opens the door

"Wha- Oh, baby why are you all soaken?"

I stare at him pissed, as I end up getting angry

"I fucking texted you to come and get me and you never did, so I walked in the rain like a fucking dumbass getting splashed by cars!! What else do you think I fucking did?!"

"Calm the fuck down, Jesus. I never got no text."

He grabs my arm before bringing me into his apartment

"Imma use your shower" I say walking to his bathroom, while he follows.

"I was about to get in, why don't we both take one together?"


We both take off our clothes, he sets the shower to warm water. I was the first one to get in, then it was him.

"Im sorry baby" he says

"Im SoRrY bAbY My ass."  I say giving him attitude. It still pissed me off that supposedly he never even gotten my text.

"Don't give me no fucking attitude. Fix it or I'll fix it for you" he growls as he gets up in my face

"I Hate you, Today, now I hate you"

Before I could say anything else he slams me into the shower wall.

"Now you ain't gon hate me after this" he says as he attack my neck, biting me harshly making me whimper,  as he makes me wrap my legs around his waist.

"W-wait S-Stoke! B-baby! im sorry!!"

He ignores my whimpers and pleases as he rams himself into me. I open my mouth to whimper, but nothing comes out

"Now what was all that shit you said? Say it again. I Dare you."

"S-Stokeley! I-Im Sorry! I d-didnt m-mean it!" I say between moans as he continues to pound his dick inside me. I claw at his back, doing my best not to slip as he bites me again harshly on my neck, making some blood drip out.

Surely, They were gonna be deep, are able marks all around my neck in the morning...

I updated guyssss!!  (Hooray!)

I will pro any continue to write more of this story, but hope you like it

Sorry for the horrible sex scene


Realizing That I Need You...//Slumptacion\\Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz