"Nightmares!" King gasped, stumbling as he tried to get up quickly. "He has a lot of nightmares!" He got back to his feet and ran to the mattress, falling beside it and wrapped his arms around Mark. "It's alright, you're alright."

Chase frowned. "Sorry bro, I didn't know..."

King shook his head, smiling up at Chase as Mark clung to his shirt. "Yeah, I don't think anyone expected you to."

Chase leaned down. "We have pizza..."

King chuckled, glancing at him. "I don't think that works for everything." Mark turned his head away from Chase, letting out a soft whine.

"Wherwe's Chica?" Mark sighed.

Amy suddenly sat up straighter, looking around. "And Henry..."

"Google is training them." Robin smiled.

"Training them to do what?" Amy frowned.

Robin shrugged. "To sit."

Amy shifted, staring up at Google Blue. "We are just helping out." The android smiled.

"Helping?" King tilted his head. "Why are you really training the dogs?"

Chase sighed. "King... Google's helped out more with the kids than Dark or Anti has. Give them a break, huh bro?"

King frowned. "Everyone thinks I'm stupid." He got up, lifting Mark into his arms. "I'm not stupid." He muttered. "Being nicer than Dark and Anti doesn't mean a whole lot. You think you know Google?"

Chase shrugged. "Yeah, dude. We talk."

"We do." Google Blue nodded.

"Where's Green?" King glared at the android.

"Running errands." Google Blue smiled.

King looked back to Chase. "All night. Running errands." He huffed, walking back to the couch with Mark.

"Is something wong?" Mark frowned.

King shook his head, rubbing his back. "No. It's okay."

Chase sighed, glancing at Google, and offered him a smile before leaning over the mattress. "Pizza for breakfast guys!"

"Pizza!" Jack grinned, dropping Sam as he jumped up and ran towards the coffee table. Robin giggled, picking up Sam and followed after Jack. Amy slipped off the mattress and made her way over, hovering beside King as she watched Mark.

Mark held his arm out and frowned at King. "It huwrts."

King groaned. "We didn't bring his pills." He looked up at Chase.

Chase sighed. "Alright Mark, we'll go back and get your pills after breakfast, okay?"

Mark pouted, but nodded sadly in response. King rubbed his back gently. "You want some pizza?" Mark nodded a little again and King smiled, leaning forward to grab a slice.

"Where's the pineapple?" Jack gasped.

"Just pepperoni." Google Blue responded.

Jack shrugged, grabbing a slice and sat down on the floor to eat. "That's fine. I guess."

Robin grabbed himself a slice and sat down beside Jack, laying Sam in his lap as he ate. Amy got herself a slice and crawled up on the couch beside King, smiling at Mark. "You okay?"

Mark nodded a little, chewing on pizza. "Yeah."

King closed his eyes and rubbed his temple. Chase watched him, grabbing a slice of pizza and sat down in the arm chair. "King?" Opening his eyes, King glanced up at him, and Chase continued. "You alright, bro?"

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