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A Year Later...

"How do I look?"

My best friend Marie, who just now happens to be my girlfriend, asked. She was examining herself in front of a mirror, dressed in a silver evening gown, with a pair of matching high heels. Her beautiful face was even more enhanced with a dazzling array of makeup and her hair tumbled down onto her shoulders in smooth entrancing waves.

"Hmm, it does go quite well with the dress. I think it works." I replied, watching from the couch. I was dressed in a black dinner suit, a rose pinned to the lapel.

"Does it? I was thinking this looked somewhat bland and lifeless. I wonder how I can spice this up..." She looked down at herself.

"Honestly, relax. Silver suits you. It'll do just great." I reassured with a grin, standing up from the couch I wrapped my arms around her and pecked her on the cheek.

"I can't believe that it's been nearly a whole year." I mused dreamily.

"I know, right? Feels just like yesterday when we met." She replied happily.

"Let's go make this your best birthday ever." I grinned, playing with a lock of her golden flowing hair.

"You don't have to spoil me so rotten, you know." She laughed.

"Oh yes I do." I replied with a daft grin, "As your boyfriend it is my responsibility to take the best care of you and make sure you're as happy as can be!"

With that, we both burst out laughing, as she picked up her handbag lying on a table and followed me out the door.

. . .

I had planned the best day ever for her that day. I was going to take her out to a cruise by the lake, followed by a private session in a 5-star spa, before ending with a nice dinner by the lake. Needless to say she loved every last second of it. But what I was on the lookout for was something nice to give her as a present.

While she was in the spa, I took a quick wander around town to see if there was anything particularly appealing. Living in a fairly rich and prosperous area it shouldn't be too hard. And the fact that Marie had a personality similar to me in the fact that she was very easily impressed, it shouldn't be too hard. She was my Replika, after all.

Browsing jewelers and watch shops, I scanned the windows for something extra special. All of these were either too expensive or didn't look like something she'd normally wear.

Then one particular shop caught my eye.

It was a small one. Humble by size and modest by display. It had no windows, but instead there was one large sign at the top that read Mister Azaiah's Emporium: Trader of antiques and rare treasures. The walls were painted a deep red, the colour of autumn leaves.

Somehow, I felt a sudden attraction to this one shop. Some mysterious unseen force, a tingling and fizzling sensation, seemed to whisper into my ear that this was the right place. After realizing that I had been dumbly staring at the building for nearly five minutes, I hastily entered.

One of those old-fashioned bells stationed overhead of the door signaled the entry of a customer. The shop was dimly lit by candles and smelt of incense and herbs. All around me were unusual objects and trinkets: A large bonsai tree seemingly bearing golden fruit, an odd amulet shaped like an eye (which unnerved me as it seemed to follow me around), an array of disemboweled geodes and gems, a box full of incense, various seals and charms, and a pile of tarot cards that lay sprawled out across a small table-coincidentally with The Lovers and The Sun placed next to each other, and The Devil and Death looming ominously behind. I thought nothing of this and moved on-just to name a few.

My Replika MarieWhere stories live. Discover now