Chapter 3: I Will Physically Fight You!

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 I skipped chapter two because it is a song-shot with no need of explanation.

Also it's a pretty short story, so it has a short explanation.


The inspiration for this story is pretty obvious, I wrote this story within 24 hours (something I would / could never do now.) After the Fitting In video was uploaded, and we got Patton's immortalized line of, "I will physically fight you!" I knew I had to do a story on it, but I knew that Patton wasn't violent, nor were any of the other Sides, so I went with a more comedic approach. That makes this (despite the ironic title) one of the few stories I have written that is pure fluff, not a drop of angst in sight!

Overall Thoughts On I Will Physically Fight You!:

This story is another one that I consider to be good, but not great, and part of that is because I have next to no experience writing fluff. As many of you have probably noticed, most of my stories are...angsty to put it lightly. Overall though, I loved going back to read this story, and actually found myself laughing at some of the jokes I placed within it. It is also important to note that I had a lot of fun writing this particular story because of how light-hearted it is!

Writing Tips Based On I Will Physically Fight You!:

-Don't be afraid to go out of your comfort zone!

· Like I said before, I don't write much fluff, so this was out of the ordinary for me, but like I said, I had fun writing it, and it is one of the stories that you guys seem to like most! (I will elaborate more on comfort zones in later chapters as well)

-Don't be afraid of adding detail!

· This is a pit fall I ran into A LOT when I was first starting out, honestly most of my stories looked more like scripts than fictional writings, and this is a story that I felt I really didn't spend enough time on the details. The story feels a bit rushed, but part of that is because, I didn't want someone coming out with a story along the same lines and then have people tell me I stole the idea...

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