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The sky was a menacing grey, blacks and blues swirled: controlled by the brooding clouds that shrouded all light. The wind was amassing its destructive army of desolation in the east, ready to attack the land from all directions. Its unholy barrage would cause even the bravest to quiver in fear. The sun was nowhere to be seen as even it seemed to be afraid of the brooding night sky. A tumultuous thunderclap split through the eerie silence as an eerie rain began to fall, sending ice cold droplets of sin to the ground.

Drip. Drip. Drop.

The rain signalled the coming of a powerful angel. A barrage of raindrops attacked the roofs of huts everywhere: but only Kain noticed. His eyes darted out the window to see what he had been dreading: light. It cut through the unilluminated citadel like a knife slicing its way through butter. A cold melancholy began to seep its way into Kain's bones as he faced his task. Light followed Angels everywhere. Reds, pinks, oranges, purples and even blues seemed to fight for dominance around their bodies. It was like a beautiful sunset that engulfed your heart into a state of mesmerisation. But Kain didn't have time for that; quickly he jumped into the storage room and picked up the Joyeuse that was double wrapped in wool. Holding the sword in his hand, Kain woke me up by pouring water over my face.

"Wake up sunshine," He whispered with a devlish grin, "You are very late"!

"Christ"! I screamed, "We need to go, now"

"Wait a moment," Kain said pausing at the door.

Then, with all the gusto he could muster, he opened the door; allowing the angelic light to flood in. The spirit was shone in its majestic, full glory, propelling its luminosity all around the dirty run-down room that we called home. The sun seemed come out, in awe of the celestial lights bestowed upon us, adding to the sheer brightness. The stars twinkled fervently, even though it was broad daylight. And then it spoke.

"We, Angels of the light: have come to take your second born child. Reckoning waits," It said, communicating in our minds. Its 'voice' was measured and calculated; probing into the deepest corners of our minds to siphon or memories.

The Angel took a step towards me, offering its hand in my direction. If I took it, nothing but pain and misery would befall me, instead I sat there, dazed by the beauty of the creature before me, basking in its awesomeness.

As if suddenly struck by lightning, Kain sprang into action, removing to wool covering of the sword to reveal its sheath. Kain slowly began unsheathing the sword. Bit by bit, the bright lustre of the blade began to release itself.

"In the name of the father; and of the son; and of the holy ghost. Most glorified Prince of the heavenly armies: Saint Michael, the Archangel of the Lord, let your sword protect us from the Cherubs. Let your light kill the Thrones and Dominions and let your arcane glory destroy the Principals and Powers," He chanted, revealing the Sword's full light, "Joyeuse, doused with Rosemary, protect us"! He screamed, pushing the sword towards where the angle stood, clearly bemused by what was going on.

"You cannot kill me son of Leviathan," The Angel said, conjuring up its physical form to face the brilliant white sword that stood before it. White light poured out, drowning us in its sea of radiance as it transformed into beautiful humanoid figure; its wings seemingly engulfing the room in golden feathers. Its eyes shone a bright yellow and above its head hovered a light that was so concentrated I couldn't look at it directly for too long

"Oh?" Kain replied, a huge smirk slapped across his face.

"Kain, stop, before it gets angry"! I shouted instantly removed from my trance-like state.

But Kain didn't listen. He plunged the sword into the celestial being, spewing lights in all directions and a chilling scream that chilled me to my very core.

"I am above you Angel, the blood of the Human courses through my veins; the soul of the Nephilim guides my thoughts; and the spirit of the Seraph resides in my heart. Therefore, I command you to die"! Kain screamed, pushing the sword into the Angel even further. The rain stopped and screams echoed throughout all ears. But Kain did not waver. His persistence was admirable as he repeated the strange words. His face seemed to changed slightly as light continued to envelope us.

"Be gone," He whispered, bringing the bright sword out with one swift motion. The Spirit brought out its wings, in an attempt to fly away, but the feathers had gone, revealing a bloody, bony interior. Its brilliant golden eyes turned to black, empty cores as it withered in front of us. Then it vanished completely, leaving behind a small tornado of wind which blew into Kain's Sword. He writings on the sword, now more visible, glowed prominently. Then, we were plunged back into the darkness of the night. The howling wind seemed more ferocious now, as it bit into our skin, attempting to possess our bodies with the freezing cold

"What did you just do"? I asked, shaking in anticipation and.

"Brother dear, I just killed an Angel," He bragged, flicking his collar down and whipping some of the feathers from his black jacket, "Close your mouth Arlo, we need to get out of here,"

Quickly, I grabbed the cloaks I had sowed for both of us, and followed him out the door.

"Here you go," I whispered, throwing him the black cloak and putting on the white one.

I was still in shock.

"Kain"? I asked, looking at him.

"What"? He replied, avoiding my gaze.

"Where did you get the sword from"? I continued.

"All you need to know is that I cashed in a favour from an old friend," He said solemnly and abruptly. Then his face softened into a chuckle, "You worry far too much, let's take refuge in St. Michael's Church, up ahead, no Angel can get us there."

Silently, we braved the cold, fumbling our way to the church we had only ever dreamed of seeing. The rain began again, splashing cold water into the ground and on our faces. The clouds hovered above us, purposefully blocking out the brilliant sun that should have illuminated out journey. But we trudged on, nonplussed. Nothing could stop us from escaping.

The Church, an imposing edifice, was ludicrously beautiful. The main entry was arched and had within it, two large doors that are arched as well. Above this entrance, is an exquisite stained-glass rose window, all covered by a gabled roof with stone lintels and sills at the ends, and topped with a cross. Enclosing this remarkable entryway were twin columns on either side that rose above the roof they were surrounded with attached brick piers at each corner. It was a towing beacon of hope that the weather could not penetrate. Brash knocking on the large, ligneous door seemed to resound everywhere as if someone was using a chainsaw to break in.

"Stop knocking like that Kain," I said, uncomfortable that my brother didn't understand the concept of mannerly behaviour, "It's rude,"

"No what's rude is, them not opening the door for us, I swear I'm getting splinters," He complained harshly, giving the door one last knock that would bring down the heavens.

I sighed to myself: turning to leave. The walk back home would mean recapture and probable death, but staying outside at night was a danger, even in the relative safety living in the Citadel provided.

With a soft moan the door began to open: hymn already heard from inside. Kain, looking wildly around, dragged me inside; as if he was being chased.

"We probably are," I conceded, awaiting confrontation. I shivered at the thought of another Angelic attack

Walking inside the safe haven, escaping the waging war of the elements that ensued all around us upside, the world seemed to quieten. My mind didn't register the hymns, or Kain's loud stomping towards the pulpit, or even the harsh wind, throwing battalions forward in an ill-fated attempt to rupture our safety: everything was at a peaceful lull. Slowly I closed my eyes, falling to the floor in an uncontrolled heap, pain searing through my upper back.

I heard a shout, Kain's probably, but it seemed miles away now as my mind drifted into nothingness.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2016 ⏰

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