"Then Ariana's gonna do that job for me later", Carly winks and grabs Ariana's hand. "C'mon, we haven't been hanging out for ages, let's have some fun", she says and pulls Ariana with her.

"Yeah, I'm alright, just leave me here", I yell after them and they both turn around grinning before leaving into the kitchen.

I grab a drink and look around, I don't spot anyone I know. Great.

A few minutes later I see a girl coming closer.

"Luke?", Jessie asks unsure. "What do you want?", I groan as I bring the red cup to my lips.

"Look, I'm drinking, you happy?", I ask and roll my eyes. "About that..", she begins and shifts uncomfortably on her feet. "I'm sorry."

Oh, you better be.

"I know I was being a total bitch but I was really drunk..", she tells me and sighs. "Please don't hate me", she begs and I raise my eyebrows.

"Haven't you had anything to drink yet or why are you being nice?", I ask and she frowns. "You know me, I'm not like that usually", she tells me. It's true, she always seemed nice..

"Well then.. Friends?", I ask and she smiles. "Friends", she replies happily and gives me a quick hug.

As soon as she's gone I walk into the living room and look for someone I know. "Luke!", Ariana shouts and waves at me.

She's standing next to a black haired guy who has his arm around his blonde girlfriend's waist. I make my way over to them and they smile at me.

"Hey, I'm Alex and this is Sarah", the boy says. "I'm Luke", I reply and smile.

"We were just talking about you", Ariana tells me as I pull her closer. "Oh yeah?", I question and they nod.

"But as far as I know you're the only thing she talks about since she started talking again anyway", Sarah grins while her boyfriend lights a cigarette.

I smirk at Ariana but she doesn't seem happy or amused at all. "I.. I'll be right back", she says before she leaves the room.

"Did I do anything wrong?", Sarah asks but I don't have an answer for her. What was that?!

"I have no clue", I say confused before I cough. Damn smoke.

"I'll try to find her", I tell Sarah and Alex and leave them behind. How many more times am I going to have to look for Ariana tonight?

A few seconds later I notice her leaning against a wall in the hallway. Why is she so pale?

"Ariana?", I ask and she looks up. "Sorry, Luke", she mumbles. "I got sick."

"Why?", I ask concerned and she hesitates before she shrugs. "Tell me", I beg and she looks away. "I don't know", she replies and I sigh.

"Okay", I mumble and hug her. "Let's go home", I say and she nods.

I take her hand and carefully drag her with me, making sure she doesn't trip in those heels.

"I'll look for someone to drive us home", I tell her as she sits down on the stairs in front of Calum's house. She nods and I leave.

I don't really know anyone who can drive, only Josh but he's drunk as fuck.

"Calum!", I shout as I spot him walking into the kitchen. He turns around and smiles. "What's up?", he ask.

"Do you know anyone who can drive me and Ariana home?", I ask and he raises am eyebrow. "Already?", he groans. "You're always leaving way too soon."

"She's sick", I explain. "Oh, I hope she feels better soon!", he says and looks around. "I'll find you someone. Wait for me outside."

With those words he leaves. I walk back to Ariana and find her nervously biting on her nails.

"What's wrong, princess?", I ask and sit down next to her. "I'm really not feeling well", she sighs. The question is just why.

"Luke, I found someone!", I hear Calum yell. "Here comes our taxi", I smile at Ariana and stand up.

I turn around and stare at the last person I expected to see.


Thanks for reading :)

Another Cliffhanger yay

Any ideas who Calum brought along? Comment ;)

I hope the story doesn't get boring and I'm glad you're all still reading, you're seriously the best!

70 comments and 70 votes till the next chapter is up :)

Bye xxx

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