My house

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Calum POV 

we walked into her apartment  and i dropped my stuff and picked her up and gave her a peck on the forhead and said thank you but then she gave me a tour of the apartment she told me the room to put my stuff then she asks if im hungry i say yes hesitantly and she says shes a good cook and i asl if i can help cook dinner and she says yes no problem we dicide to make homade pizza we went pretty simple cheese and perperoni and i put on the cheese and she put on peperoni we put it in the oven and i asked if we could watch a movie and she said yes but she insited that i pick i picked the new movie ocluouse she ran to check on the pizza  then she came bacl with the pizza pan and we sat there and began watching the movie and eating pizza after we ate we sat back up on the couch and watched the movie more intently she still cuddled into the side of my shoulder then at the end of the movie i relized she she had fallen asleep but i didnt want to wake her so i slowly picked her up and carried her to set her on her bed and i went to leave and go to bed myself but then i hear her say calum and i turn around and i said sorry for wakeing her but she said its ok and asked me to stay in here tonight and i said shure but i told her i was going to go change into my pjs so i did and she said she was to so i went to my room and changed into my sweatpants but no shirt and i knocked and she said come in she was even more beautifull with out any makeup i go to lay on the floor her staring at me the entire time but she scooted over and patted on the bed  to have me lay there with her i asked if she was shure nervously but she insited and we sat there staring at each other then she says good night and turns over so im staring at the back of her head i take my arm and lay it over her side in the middle of her stomach she twiches at first but then she takes my arm and raises it more twards her head she lays my arm right in front of her face i can feel her slow steady breath and she starts to rub her thumb in curcles on my hand and i sigh quetly in relife we both fall asleep her im my arms 

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