Oc: Harvey

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Name: Harvey O'Connor

Age: 16

Gender: Male (trans)

Personality: Shy, Quiet, reclusive. Doesn't interact with people on his own. Techie, Smart, good at thinking quick

Height: 5'4

Weight: 82(has anorexia but really tries his best to eat)

Family members: Mom(Dead), Dad(abusive), younger brother that he's super close with

Friends: None, he's too shy

Appearance: Black emo hair, bangs going over one eye, dyed dark purple and blue starting a few inches from the roots(he dyed that area blond then added the colors). Has wire framed glasses(think lawer type glasses). Pretty pale as he doesn't go outside much. Wears big, over sized jumpers, sweaters and hoodies with either dark grey or black leggings. Has galaxy converse. Has bags under his eyes, scars on his arms(from a while ago, hidden under ace wrap that he wears 24/7)

Accessories: wears a purple beanie, has multiple necklaces with different colored crystals on them. Wears a Galaxy choker and bracelets. Has Holographic star earrings.

Occupation: Head librarian/Works at the local shelter

Low/Middle/High class: Right below the middle class, both jobs don't pay him well

Talents: Sign language, Magic, sword fighting, being able to hack into anywhere(sometimes), stealing(steals money and food cause his employers forget to pay him)

Weaknesses: Alcohol, being hurt(always hides the pain, even if it's really had)

Fears: trusting someone then being left alone/forgotten, being abused any more then he is, bullies at school, his dad, getting caught stealing.

Back story: Mom died, dad is alcoholic and abusive, he was mute for most of his life until sophomore year. Is kicked out of his house often to he has most of his belongings in his locker at school in a duffle bag. Is bullied constantly. Grew up teaching himself magic from spell books he's found in the attic.

Smexy stuff_____

Sub/dom/switch: sub all the way

Kinks: Binding, Riding, Toys, Pet play, Daddy/Baby

Turns off: Blindfold, gagging, rape play, knife play

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