Chapter 2

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Sam looked down at you, locking eyes. You narrowed your eyes. That couldn't be Sam, he jumped into hell with Lucifer. Plus he looked different. You crawled up and prepared to run. He raised his hands slightly.
  “(Y/N).. Just wait.” He nearly pleaded. You paused expectantly. Sam slowly put his hands down, standing up straight.
  “Yes, I'm really me. No, I don't know how I got out. And no, I'm not telling Dean.” He said, answering most of your questions. You approached him slowly, opening your arms for a hug. He hesitated, but wrapped you up in his arms. It was just like old times, except it wasn't. Sam was different and you could see it. After a bit you let go and he released you. That's when you noticed it. He raised his eyebrows as you stared. That was it. You grabbed his shirt and pulled him closer to your height.
  “Easy~.” He purred, there was definitely something up. He gently gripped your hips, but you ignored the gesture.
  “Don’t tell Dean you saw me.” Sam ordered suddenly, his grip tightening painfully. It was obviously a threat; Sam was threatening you. He probably realized he couldn't seduce you so force was his next option. Your head remained elsewhere, ignoring him; however, you understood his intent. Silently, you stared into his eyes; his emotionless eyes. There was nothing, no hint of Sam anywhere.
  You broke eye contact and looked around; everything was different. You were in hell again. You'd seen those eye before. You'd seen them so many times, but usually they were filled with amusement as a demon tore you open.
  “Hello, darling.” Crowley cooed, catching your attention. You spun around, growling. No one was there. You gulped down your fear. Hallucinations were something you'd dealt with before, usually while you slept. Suddenly you felt a burning sensation erupt across your body. You screamed and fell to the floor, colliding with something solid. You were knocked unconscious.

  You sat bolt upright, feeling disoriented and slightly sore. You looked around and quickly realized you were in a hospital. Jay was nowhere to be found and that unnerved you.
  “C..” You tried to call the angel, but you couldn't. He was busy, so very busy. With that you began to cry again. You missed Castiel, and Sam, and Dean, Bobby too. To some extent you even missed Gabriel, and Matt most of all. You just wanted them all back; you wanted to be a family again. You cried silently, but so hard that your body heaved. As you sobbed you recognized the feeling of someone stroking your head. It felt like Matt. Whenever he pet you his hand would linger on your head for a second before moving down your hair. You slowly stopped crying, but didn't move in case whoever was doing it stopped.
  “(Y/N).” Came the voice. That voice belonged to one person and one alone. Matt. You nearly flipped around in the bed, your heart racing. He was sitting in a chair, smiling at you. He looked just how he had when he died, minus the wounds and blood. He looked normal.
  “M-Matt..” You croaked out. Your voice box hadn't been used for months. Matt smiled and nodded, gently cupping your cheek. You flinched.
  “Hey, Buttercup.. It's okay..” He cooed. His hand wasn't warm. Matt wasn't really there.
  “You… Aren't… Matt.” You whispered, swallowing dryly. He got up and poured you a glass of water, sitting down and giving it back to you. When you looked up you noticed your IV bag was wiggling back and forth.
  “It's me.” Matt assured you.
  “Hallucination..” You responded. He was just another hallucination. He smiled.
  “I'm here, (Y/N). I was finally able to pierce the veil.” He explained. You were scared to believe it, but he had grabbed you a cup of water. He'd touched you and talked to you.
  “Matt..’ You smiled, tearing up. He hugged you. After so long you finally had him back.

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