Better Than He Can 1

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"What makes you think that?"

"Well for one I'm not gay, so I'm probably not even going to be turned on, and two, if it's not happening for me with a real dick I highly doubt a fake plastic one is going to do it for me."

"We'll see." Jennie smirked cockily.

"You're serious about this aren't you?"

The younger girl shrugged which was followed by a silence between the two friends.

"If we were going to do it we would need to set some boundaries so it doesn't get weird." Jisoo finally said.

"Like what?" Jennie tried to reply calmly, however on the inside she was freaking out. She couldn't believe that Jisoo seemed to be actually considering having sex with her.

The older girl thought about it for a moment. "Maybe we shouldn't kiss?"

"Jisoo..if you're going to come then you need to be as turned on as possible. I'm going to be kissing you...everywhere." As the words left Jennie's mouth she swore she saw tint of red coming to the older girl's cheeks. Was she was blushing?

"Fine, we can kiss, but lights off, I don't want you to see me naked." Jisoo said decisively, grabbing back Jennie's attention.

"Jisoo...I've seen you naked before...multiple times actually." Jennie chuckled. She had to physically stop herself from mentally undressing her friend right there. Jennie was a huge fan of Jisoo's body, she was slim but still curvy in all the right places. One place in particular caught Jennie's attention more than others though.

"Yeah, but this is different." Jisoo argued. "And plus, if the lights are off then at least I can imagine you're a boy."

Jennie felt a pang in her chest at Jisoo's words and suddenly it seemed like maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all. She'd been in love with Jisoo for three years. A heart-breaking, one-sided love. Ok, that wasn't strictly true, Jennie knew Jisoo loved her too, she told her all the time. She just didn't love her the way Jennie needed her to. The way Jennie dreamed she did when she was sleeping at night. She'd never made a move though, she cared about Jisoo's friendship too much, so she forced herself to switch it off. Which she usually managed to a degree, but every so often some of those locked up feelings would find a way to slip through the cracks. Like when Jisoo had one of her funny half hours where she couldn't stop laughing at everything and cracking the dumbest jokes. Or when they spent duvet days cuddled on the couch watching Friends re-runs. Or when Jisoo talked about something she was excited or passionate about. Ok, Jennie's feelings for the older girl slipped through quite a lot. But worst of all was when Jisoo and Jinyoung had a fight. Jisoo had a habit of showing up at Jennie's door crying, and without question the older girl would take her into her bed and hold her until she calmed, falling asleep curled in her arms. Sometimes, once Jennie knew her friend was sound asleep, she would let herself kiss her forehead and run her hands through her hair. For just a minute, she would let herself pretend Jisoo was hers.

As Jennie thought about those moments, she realized this was probably going to be the only opportunity she was ever going to have to kiss or touch Jisoo the way she had wanted to for so long. So even if she knew it was going to hurt like hell after, she couldn't pass this opportunity up. She would regret it for the rest of her life.

"Fine. Lights off, but that's it" The younger girl said bluntly, trying to hide the emotion she was feeling right now from her voice.

"I don't know Jennie." Jisoo replied uncertainly. "I don't like that we're not setting any boundaries, I don't know if I'm comfortable with you just being able to do whatever you want."

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