I was skeptical about dating Randy. Only because he is my first true loves brother. But I'm happy with him. We've been dating for about 2 months now and he's so sweet. We haven't even had sex and he doesn't pressure me into it. So fuck Michael.. Brooke can have him.

"No thanks. I'm not all that hungry right now." I walked around him and kissed him on the cheek. He closed the refrigerator and put his arms around my waist, holding me securely against him, making me smile up at him.

"Why so much?" I watched him scan my face as I looked at him puzzled.

"What are you talking about?" I softly giggled.

"You have on too much makeup..."

I frowned and looked at him in disbelief.

"Randy... I'm only wearing mascara and lipgloss." I shook my head as I looked up at him, hoping for some sign that he was joking.

"Yeah... go take it off."

I let him go but his arms were still wrapped around my waist.

"Um no. Why?"

"Baby don't get mad. I'm just saying you are so... naturally beautiful. You don't need that stuff that other girls... need." He motioned over towards Toya who was just walking through the kitchen, oblivious to our conversation.

I couldn't help but to laugh as he talked shit about his sister.

"But I like my makeup." I pouted.

He smiled down at me as he released his grip from around my waist, now taking my hand.

"Come on." He guided me up to his room, shut the door, and sat me down on his bed. I watched him go into his bathroom and come out with a wet napkin. He walked over to me and I frowned at him. He wiped over my faintly glossed lips but I pulled away and pushed his hand.

"Randy... I'm not taking my lipgloss or mascara off. It's not that serious." I rolled my eyes and stood up but he pushed me back down, making me sit on his bed once again.

"Randy stop kidding around. I'm serious.."

"So am I. Take it off." He put the wet napkin in my face again.

"No." I pushed him, making him stumble a step back as I stood up again.

He took a step forward so now we were less than an inch apart. He looked down at me and quickly wiped over my mouth with the napkin. I jerked my head to the left to try to avoid him. He grabbed my chin aggressively, making me look into his eyes.

"Take that shit off your face." He mumbled before muffing my face away from his grip.

"Don't do that!" I pushed him once again, now becoming infuriated with the way he was acting.

"Stop fucking with me Lilly!" And before I could even react, I felt a big strong hand strike me across my cheek. The force was so strong and unexpected, I dropped to the bed holding onto my stinging face in disbelief.

I slowly looked up at him with my mouth slightly open. My cheek was stinging horribly and I felt the rush of crimson running to it, leaving me red on one side. Randy was standing over me looking down at the hand he hit me with in disbelief. He slowly lowered his hand and looked at me with sympathetic and apologetic eyes.

"Baby..." he whispered.

"Why would you..." my voice was crackling as I fought off tears.

"I'm sorry... I don't know-.." he began shaking his head as tears slowly escaped down his face.

I took a deep breath and stood up. He took a couple steps back and looked down, clearly ashamed at himself. I'm not gonna say that I understand and I'm not gonna stand here and make excuses for why Randy just hit me.... but look how him and his brothers were raised...

"Don't you everever lay your hands on me again." I looked him deep in the eyes, threateningly as I pointed my finger at his chest.

"Never... I'm so sorry baby. Please forgive me. I'm so sorry..." he looked back down, still letting tears stream down his face.

I lifted his chin and wiped his tears.

"Okay..." I whispered. He pulled me into his arms and hugged me tightly. I wrapped my arms around his neck and took a deep breath of his coco butter sent. I felt him shaking against me as he was still holding back his emotions.

I knew he didn't mean it....




Innocence (Completed)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن