
"I guess that answers my question, who "
"Damn it Harper answer me who "
I look up at him still not answering him , Dustin slams his fist down on the table

I jump a flashback comes across my eyes I see Todd yelling at me in his kitchen I'm sitting at the table then Todd grabs me by the neck and chokes me for a moment then punched me in the stomach Flashback ends
I got up fast look around the cafe and take off to the kitchen to find Daddy Marc

I run into the office Daddy Marc is at the Desk he looks up at me I have tears rolling down my face
Arms come around me
" It's okay baby girl " he says
I collapsed in his arms he lifted me up and carried me to the couch sitting down with me in his arms
I hear talking but I'm to far gone in my mind to care all I want is to be held

Masons POV
I see Dustin come in , Harper greets him they start to talk so far looks like it's going good
Harper is fidgeting in her chair and not answering him . Dustin slams his fist down I see Harpers eyes glass over then she runs out of the cafe into the kitchen

" What the hell did you do " I growl at Dustin who is just as confused as to by my Jellybean left him
" I didn't do anything Mason she ran off and why does it matter to you " Dustin Asked
" Because she's my girl " I yell as leave him to find my Jellybean

I go into the kitchen I heard Uncle Marc talking following the voices I find my Jellybean in her Daddies arms full on crying and shaking like a leaf

End Of POV

Sammy's POV
What the hell is going on over there I see Harper run out of the Cafe , Mason, Morgan and Myself take off over to the table
Mason asked him a couple of questions then We left him to find our girl , hearing Uncle Marc we find her in his arms crying so hard
He asked her what's going on then sees us

" Why is my Daughter in Tears and you three better not be the reason "

" We aren't Dustin is they were talking then she ran but before she did her eyes glasses over "

" Glassed Over , Shit she had a flashback "

End Of POV

Why do I hear yelling and why the heck am I in bed Masons Bed

" Let me see her "
" Damn it I said let me see her "

Dustin , why , what oh my fucking head . I slid out of the bed then stumble my way to the bathroom use it then make my way to the door
I can still hear yelling but this time it's Uncle Owen
" I'm only going to say this one time Sit your ass down and shut the fuck up , Until Harper Wakes up NO ONE AND I MEAN NO ONE WILL SEE HER UNLESS ITS HER PARENTS "

Damn he's pissed , guess I better get my ass moving

I make my way down the hall to the steps down them and into the kitchen where I find Mama Sang and Mama they both look at me I give them a smile " Before I take on the people that are yelling can I have some Tylenol my poor head is about to split in half " I say

Two Tylenol were handed to me along with a bottle of water I take them .
Then sit down a plate of food is put in front of me I look up to see who put it there
" Uncle Kota "
" Yes Harper"
" Can I have a hug "
He came around the island and hugged me
" It's gonna be okay little one " Kota whispered
" I know but first I need to take care of business " I say with a semi smile
Kota Just chuckles at me

I eat the peanut butter and jelly sandwich and the apples then head into the living room

" Harper"
" Yes Daddy Marc"
He came over and hugged me tight
" Sorry "
" it's okay sweetie I'm just glad your okay " he says
We hear yelling again
" I guess I better go deal with that before Uncle Owen sends North and PapaRaven In there " I say

The Blending of The Blackbourne and Toma Teams ( Completed)Where stories live. Discover now