Chapter 1: Prologue

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*this is only my second book. Be kind and I know there may be mistakes*

it had been some years since the world had unpluggged, and disconnected. leaving behind the ever tightening grip of technology that grasped at the human race.

'they' has decided it, all those in power. or more accurately those with money and influence. they were scared of what thw growing digital age was bringing apon us, it's wire fingers wrapping around every person in different ways.
  the shut down has started slowly, taking away the forms of public technology many relied on for average life. Trains slid to a half on their steel tracks, car engines growing quite as they seemes to fall into a deep sleep, planes took their last flights before the metal birds landed for the last time. servers blinked out of existence, phone loosing service to never regain it again. The last to be taken away was the utilities, faucets ran dry while stove lighta blinked away. The word seemed to grind to a halt, the age of digital advancement being locked away behind what seemed to be glass walls, humans unable to break through and reclaime it.
  it had been years since then, I only a young girl at the time everything was ripped away, barely remembering it at all. Walking through the bruah, my pants caught on brambles and bushes pulling free only to be caught again. Stepping from the tree lines my feet connected with the worn down gravel that surrounds the train tracks, the dull steel no longer shining as it once did. slipping away I stepped atop the tracks, the metal feeling sturdy underneath my worn down sneakers, the soft soles almost gone now.
  a feeling of excitement course through my mind as the thought of water surfaced to the top. Often train tracks led to water, and with the promise of water came the promise of food too. with that thought mt stomach let out a cry, the sound filling the forest around me. stifling a laugh my eyes casted up to the setting sun, its once bright colors of yellow bleed into crimson red. a faint whistle caught my attention as the tracks beneth my feet began to shake, pushing off the ground I leap away as a train barreled through the over grown tracks. My eyes watched as it sped by, my heart hammering I almost thought it could be heard over the loud roar that the train let out. Feeling my grip tighten on the grass covered grown underneath me I scrambled farther backwards, feeling the connectiong of rough bark to my back. "This is impossible" my voice rose up, fighting to be heard alongside the steady sound of the train speeding by. Comming to my senses I pushed myself up, stepping father back from the tracks as my eyes watched the end of the train draw closer, its glass windoes dulled and dark.
    As the train finally pulles by, my eyes washed over it, the figure disappearing into the ever darkening forest, my mouth held open with a silent scream echoing out. Feeling a sudden sense of overwhelming nervous crash over myself I stifled a cry, focusing away from what happened and back onto making a camp for the night. Quick I slipped my hiking bag from my shoulder, happy to feel the weight gliding away, my hands reaching to unzip it quickly. The steady sound of nothing filled the darkening void as I pulled my small tent out, setting it down before realising the hook that let it spring out fully.
  Slipping inside I let the quite night consume mt thoughts, pushing the train away as I slipped into a colbat blue sleeping bag, it's zipper long ago broke as I struggled to let sleep claim me. Feeling the breathlessness creeping ever so closer my eyes slipped close, my mind focusing on calming my uneven breath, my hands slowly unclenching as sleep finally slipped over me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2019 ⏰

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