Trick or Treat

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It was late evening, few more hours remaining to go for the most terrific Halloween experience. Craig and I were at the park, discussing about our costumes for tomorrow.

“I’m becoming Shaggy. I’ve got hair like him and the clothes are easy to find. I’ve already got a green t-shirt and I’ve borrowed Uncle Pat’s maroon bell-bottoms,” said Dean brushing his hair. 

I could tell he didn’t like the idea of borrowing pants from his uncle; Craig always wanted to wear brand new clothes for Halloween or make his own costume with whatever he had.

“I’m gonna be TJ Detweiler tomorrow, thinking of wearing this same cap. Halloween was crazy last year in Nashville,” I said.

My parents would usually drive down to Heber Springs to my mom’s house. We had this custom where we would spend a year’s holidays at moms and then the next year at my dad’s. I kinda liked the idea because the festivals would have a different energy to it at both the places. Things were much tranquil in the south.

“I’m gonna get two bags full of Reese’s tomorrow,” said Craig. I could see his mouth watering. He’s got a thing for Reese’s. Craig frequently carried a pack of the chocolate wherever he went.

“I hope Mr. Stine doesn’t pull any of his creepy tricks on us again,” I said.

“Yeah! That human sized wooden doll looked so real. I swear I saw it blink,” Craig said, his voice tailing as he begun to think about it.

“The effort the old man puts into just to scare the kids is amazing. He even named the doll ‘Slappy’. I wonder what he’s gonna do this year,” I added.

“Oh no! I gotta go Myles.” said Craig looking at his watch, “Mom’s gonna kill me if I get home late today,” he continued.

“I’ll be there at 6 at your place tomorrow to grab those first few Reese’s,” he said as he began to walk towards the road.

“You’ve got a sweet imagination Shaggy. The only thing you’re gonna get tomorrow is a can full of wriggling worms,” I said.

“Yummmmmm,’’ he replied, being sarcastic as he disappeared down the curb.

Fall had begun and the wind felt chilly. There were dead leaves fallen all across the park. Wild grass had grown up to the knees length. Clouds of gnats were flying in the beams of the fading light of the evening sun peering through the trees. The wooden panels of the fence were beginning to rot.

I began to head towards Grandma’s which was in the opposite direction to Craig’s.

Grandma’s was 5 blocks away from the park. I began to think of all the pranks I was going to pull and the bags of candy I was going to end the day with. I had 4 more blocks to go. The wind got chillier and the leaves were flying in all directions. I adjusted my cap fearing it would go away with the wind.
Just then something darted right across me. I failed to see what it was. It was quick. I heard giggling, but no one was around.

Swooosh! It ran past me again giggling. I fell on my knees. This time I got a glimpse of it. Not clearly though. It had to be a kid, or was it? probably an animal. Animals don’t giggle. It had stuff protruding from its head. I looked around in frustration. Where did it come from? There was nothing but wooden fences on either sides of the street. I looked around once again and continued to walk.

I heard footsteps. Faint at first. Slow. The footsteps begun to gather pace. It felt like it was coming from behind. The footsteps grew louder. I turned around to see who it was. No one!
Yet it sounded so close. Someone tapped me on the back. I turned around once again in confusion and jumped in terror.

“TRICK OR TREAT,” scream a childish voice as I landed hard on my back. My head hurt. My body became stiff. I opened my eyes and saw the orange sky getting darker. Everything looked blurry. I got on my knees and began to stand. My legs felt wobbly.

In front of me stood a little kid, around 6 to 7 years old. He wore a buster bunny costume. His stomach and right hand had what appeared to look like claw marks and bites, as if he were attacked by a savage animal. Blood was oozing from every cut. Some of it was dry. His face had two deep gashes from the nose up to the forehead with blood trickling down to his neck and into the costume. He was holding a bag probably filled with candy. The bag too was bloodied. It looked SO REAL. Like fresh blood was splashed on some parts of his costume and the bag.

“HAHA! You got me,” I said, still lying on the ground. “Your costume’s really cool, but Halloween’s tomorrow kid and I don’t have any candy on me,” I said getting up on my feet, dusting the mud on my pants. My cap was still on.

“Your mom let you wear that?” I asked him. He didn’t answer. He just stood there. Looking at me.

I paused for while. He didn’t utter a single word. “What’s your name?” I asked him as I watched him began to loosen the rope around his bag. 

“TRICK OR TREAT” he said still looking at me, his hands fumbling on the rope.

“Guess you didn’t hear me kid, I don’t have any candy,” I said beginning to get annoyed.

“TRICK… OR… TREAT” he repeated as he loosened the rope and took a step closer towards me. His eyes fixed on mine.

“H…Hey…” I cried. I began to panic.
He moved closer to me.

“TRIIIIIIICK OR TREEEEEAAAAATTTT” He cried in a demonic voice. His eyes turning completely black. Black gunk spraying from his mouth.

I took off in horror and ran right past him. And then everything began to slow down. Why was I slowing down? My body ached. My vision was hazy. Everything began to spin into darkness. I blacked out.

My body was in agony. I opened my eyes and saw the orange sky getting darker. Everything looked blurry. I rubbed my head as I began to get on my feet. My legs felt wobbly. It was the same kid again! Was I dreaming?
My head began to ache. I didn’t know what to say or do. I froze as he held the bag open with both his hands towards me.

“Trick or Treat” said the kid giggling.
A sour odor came from within the bag. It was like there were rotting carcasses inside of it. I didn’t look what was in the bag. I didn’t want to. The smell was getting stronger. I could taste the pungent odor. I wanted to puke.

I looked at him in fear. He stayed still. A sinister smile spread across his face. His eyes locked on mine. A chill ran down my spine. I got goosebumps all over my body.

“Mylesssss” growled the kid, black gunk dripping from his mouth.

That was it. I couldn’t take it anymore. I held the cap in my hand and ran right past the freak like never before. I just wanted to go back home. How did he know my name? My mind was racing with thoughts.

The rest of the way home took forever. There were skeletons hanging from houses and trees. A dozen of jack-o-lanterns could be seen at every house. People were adding finishing touches to their spooky décor. One house had a severed head for the mailbox. In fact every house had some gruesome stuff on display.

As I neared Grandma’s my mind began to cool down. I finally reached Grandma’s exhausted. We put a few jack-o-lanterns here and there on the lawn. Dad had put a skull with candles near the door and some thread on the spandrels of the outer wall for spider webs.

I knocked on the door a couple of times. Mom opened the door and seemed angry.

“Where were you all this while? You should’ve been home an hour ago. I don’t like you being outside in the dark,” said mom with her hands crossed.

“Can I get in?” I said anxiously. I realized that I was drenched with sweat. “I’ll tell you everything. I just need to wash myself up first.” I continued.

“Ok get in. Wash yourself up quickly; I’ve kept baked beans and toast on the table. We’ll talk later,” she said as she went back into the kitchen.

I ran into the bathroom and washed my hands and my face. I looked at myself in the mirror.  Was that all real? The picture of the kid smiling wouldn’t leave my mind. I sprinkled water on my face a few more times, changed into a new shirt and went into the dining room. Grandma was already sitting on one end of the table reading some book on gardening. She planned on working on her garden for next summer.  

“Hey grandma!” I said trying to look cheerful. “Where’s dad?” I asked her.

“He’s out to get some groceries and candy for tomorrow. Why are you home so late?” she asked me closing the book.

Mom walked right in at that moment. “Yeah, what were you doing out so late?” she said handing me a spoon.

I didn’t know what to tell them. They’d think I was crazy, that I was reading too many fictional books but I couldn’t hold it. I had to tell someone.

“MYLES???” screamed mom in soft tone.

“Oh… yeah… so I was on my way back home….” I narrated the whole incident to them. As I was narrating I kept watching Grandma. Her face turned pale. Mom just stood there in disbelief. She looked at Grandma who was shaking by now.

They knew something that I didn’t. I just looked at them blankly. I didn’t know whether they believed me or thought that I was bluffing.

Grandma then cleared her throat as mom pulled out the chair next to me and sat down.

“The kid that you saw today, his name was Gary. He was killed last year by a crazy old man who lived on that part of the street. The old man hated kids. Gary was very excited for Halloween. With three days to go, he would wear his costume and dance around the street screaming ‘Trick or Treat’. He was a very jolly kid, always smiled. The old man who was sick of the kid’s racket let lose his Rottweiler on Gary.  The dog mauled Gary and severely injured him. He died on the spot.

The man hid the Rottweiler and bought another dog. He told the cops that it wasn’t his dog and could check for the wound marks to see if they match with his dog. He also said that it could’ve been the work of a wild animal since there were many in the neighborhood.

A few months later the old man and his dogs went missing. The cops never found them. A few people have said that they’ve seen a child in a bunny costume roaming with a bag. We believe that Gary’s spirit haunts that place. Also, two Kids have gone missing at that very spot.” said grandma. She seemed very scared.

“There are rumors that Gary is behind the disappearance of the old man, the dogs and the kids. They say that he has cut their bodies into smaller pieces and can be seen dancing around with the dismembered corpses in his bag,” she continued. Her voice had become dry. She got up and walked towards the countertop to get a glass of water.

I couldn’t believe that I had encountered a spirit. I’ve heard a lot of creepy stories about the Nashville Prison back home but this was a whole new experience. I was excited but scared at the same time. I could’ve been Gary’s “Halloween treat.” The thought scared me.

I was very disturbed as to why he let me go. The more I thought about it the more it freaked me out. I couldn’t think of which one was real. Did I dream the first time I saw him? or was I “tricked?”

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