Angel shrugged as he leaned against the concrete wall and stared down at his nephew. "Tu mama.. She was real sweet as a kid. Laughing. Nicest heart."

Curly decided not to press the topic anymore. Talking about his mom was rough because he wanted to hate her, as much as she fucked his life up. He grew up poor, bounced from home to home for her selfish needs. Through all that he still couldn't bring himself to hate her.

Angel looked over at Curly, his lips pressed together with a look that said 'Lets get to the point' "What's going on with you and Timmy?"

Curly shrugged. If he was being honest he was tired of talking about Tim. It was tedious. Everything was about Tim and it was just a reminder Curly would probably never be as important as Tim. However, it wasn't an option to not talk about it. They were complicated and he knew they'd always be confident. "We just don't get along, dig?"

"Bullshit." Angel snorted, eyes looking at the sky. There was a full moon. "He's your blood, don't let stupid shit turn your back on your brother. Entiendes?"

Curly didn't agree but he nodded out of respect. Tim should've been having the same conversation. He wasn't doing much on his part and Curly mostly stayed out of his way. It was better that way, they wouldn't argue. If they did, it'd lead to a fight.

"So why'd you turn your back on Jose?" Curly asked curiously.

All the talk about brothers got Curly thinking. Angel, Emiliano, and Javier had all turned their backs on Jose. He wasn't family, not anymore. Angel snickered as he looked down at Curly, an Uncle looking to his nephew. He put his hand on Curly's shoulder, like a father to a son. This was a rare moment for Curly, his father had never done it. "You ain't gonna understand.. too young."

Curly wanted to tell him he wasn't too young. That he'd be 17 soon and it just felt like everyone forgot and they keep treating him like a baby. But there wasn't any point to waste his breath.

They didn't care.

Later that night Curly found himself thinking of Daisy Johnson. It was 9:45 and he was the only person home. Curly hadn't seen her in days, only in passing where she'd give him a small smile and he'd give her a smirk. He was too busy to stay after her shift and she'd be long gone if he got the chance to show up. He figured Willy must've caught the news and had been taking her home early. It had only been a few months of Curly knowing Daisy and he couldn't put his finger on why he was drawn to her. She was always on his mind. Not necessarily dirty thoughts, which he had quite often on nights he couldn't sleep or when he was thinking in school. But random ones. He'd find himself wondering what she was doing or how her day was and if she was thinking about him too.

Curly's thoughts were cut off when the phone in the kitchen began to ring. Curly left his bed to pick it up."Hello?"

"Hey man, it's Jimmy. I caught a Brumley leaving River Kings territory."

"You sure he's Brumley?"


"Not in a while."

"What d'ya want me to do boss?"

"Hold him there." Curly replied before hanging up the phone.

He rested his head against the cracked wall and took a deep breath. Curly slid his jacket on and walked out the door. There wouldn't be a good reason for Brumley to meet up with the River King's. They were rivals and the River King's didn't like black kids. The only thing Curly could put together that The River King's need something really important from Brumley.

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