Dahyun: Please... Don't go through that door mister... You should know what happens... Freaking idiot...

You: (Laughs)

The person kept walking towards the door and opened it. But nothing was inside the room.

Dahyun: Oh... Oh thank god...

Dahyun loosened her grip on my arm. But then,


Dahyun: Ahhh!!!

Dahyun tighten her grip on my arm again. She put her face on my shoulder. I heard her sniff a couple times and looked at her.

You: Dahyun? Are you okay?

Dahyun: (Sniff) No...

Dahyun faced the TV screen again and I saw tears running down her face.

You: Are you crying?

Dahyun: (Sniff) N-no... I'm not crying... Y-you are... (Sniff)

You: Look Dahyun, we can stop wa-


Dahyun: Ahh~!!! (Inhale) (Sobs)

Dahyun cried on my shoulder.

Dahyun: (Sobs) This is so scary! (Sobs)

You: Do you want to stop watching?

Dahyun: (Sobs)

Dahyun didn't say anything. She just kept crying. I feel bad. I continued watching the movie, hoping Dahyun would calm down but she didn't.


The movie ended. Dahyun cried herself to sleep but she's still holding onto my arm. I turned the TV off and put the remote on her desk. I have to go pee. I slowly removed my arm from Dahyun's grip and got off the bed. Suddenly, Dahyun grabbed my hand.

Dahyun: Where are you going?

You: I'm going to go pee.

Dahyun: You're going to leave me by myself, in the dark, after watching that movie.

You: It'll be quick Dahyun.

Dahyun: Please stay... Just pee in your soda can.

You: What? No. I'll go fast Dahyun, I promise.

Dahyun: Mmm... You better keep your promise.

Dahyun let go of me. I left her room and entered inside the bathroom and took a pee.

(Dahyun's POV)

Y/n left to go to the restroom. He left me in my room. My dark room. I'm so scared right now. Every time I watch a scary movie, my mind plays tricks on me. I see random things that seem real but they aren't and their really freaky.

I'm hiding under the blanket, waiting for Y/n to finish his pee. I looked over to my closet. It's open and it looks really dark. I want to close but I'm scared that something might be under the bed and might grab me. I looked over to my door. I see that there's a dark figure standing at the doorway.

Now, I don't know if my mind is playing tricks on me, like always, or if there's actually something there. I want to believe that my mind is tricking me but it looks too real. I decided to ignore it by lying down and face the other way while I wait for Y/n. But that was a bad idea.

When I turned around, I saw a face, looking at me with wide eyes. Like its looking into my soul. And it looks like something in the movie I just watched with Y/n. I immediately screamed and got off the bed and ran to the bathroom where Y/n was.

(Your POV)

I just washed my hands and dried them. I was about to exit the bathroom but suddenly, I heard Dahyun screaming. I was curious why she screamed so I exited the bathroom quickly and something ran at me and wrapped its arms around me.

You: Woah! What the-?

Dahyun: You said you'd be fast!

You: Dahyun? I'm sorry. I tried to go as quick as I could. By the way, why'd you screamed?

Dahyun: Because, I saw that thing that was in the movie on my bed. It was next to me, just looking at me.

You: (Laughs) Really? It's all in your mind Dahyun, it's fine.

Dahyun: But it looked so real.

You: Well then, let's go back to your room. I'll be there, so there's nothing you should be afraid of.

I grabbed Dahyun's arm and we walked to her room. When we arrived at her door, she went behind me and grabbed the back of my shirt. I can tell she's too afraid to walk in there. I turned around and looked at her.

You: Do you want me to pick you up and put you in bed?

Dahyun: Yes please... And can you turn the light on please...

You: Yeah, sure.

I turned the light on in Dahyun's room. I picked her up and walked to her bed and set her down.

Dahyun: Before you come to bed, can you do me a couple of favors?

You: What is it?

Dahyun: Can you close my closet?

She pointed to her closet. I went over to the door and closed it. I looked at her and waited for her to tell me what else she needs.

Dahyun: Can you check of anything is under my bed? Like monsters or ghosts.

You: Pfft (Laughs)

Dahyun: Seriously. Do it please.

You: Okay then.

I went down on all fours and looked under her bed. Nothing was under there.

You: It's clear. Nothings down here.

I stood back up and looked at Dahyun.

Dahyun: Hmmm... My next favor is when you get on this bed, you don't leave me. I'm scared something might get me if you leave the bed.

You: Aww, you're so cute Dahyun. I won't leave you.

Dahyun: Do you promise?

You: I promise.

Dahyun: Seal it with a kiss?

You: Of course.

I kissed Dahyun's lips. I went over to her door and closed it and off the light. I quickly got on the bed and faced Dahyun.

Dahyun: Alright... Goodnight.

You: Night Dahyun.

Dahyun: I love you loser.

You: I love you too.

Dahyun scooted closer to me and wrapped her arms around me. She held onto me tightly. She was probably scared. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her closer so she would feel safe. I closed my eyes and went to sleep with Dahyun in my arms.

My Bully (2): Twice Dahyun x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now