(Three: Date night)

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Third person pov.

"Ouch! Dean! I swear I'm going to wack you as hard as I can soon." Seth hisses, gripping onto Dean's arm even tighter.

"Sorry love, it's kinda dark right now so I can't really see where I'm going." Dean apologises with a small chuckle. Dean had been planning a date for the both of them for 2 weeks. Seth was clueless to the fact that he was currently 3 hours out of town and basically in the middle of nowhere with his idiot lunatic.

Dean chose a place where it was...aesthetically pleasing, hoping his lover would find it the same too.

Their shield brother Roman helped Dean go hunting for the perfect place and helped him set up the whole scenery. If Dean didn't get any reaction from Seth, he'd be pissed. Who would think the lunatic fringe would be so soft and would do something as cute as this?.

I mean, the name speaks for itself. Seth was going through probably the toughest time of his entire career, after landing rather awkwardly on his leg at a live event, he was pulled out of Wrestlemania, which left him devastated. Attending to rehab three times each day for seven months had weighed him down, Dean had never felt more pain before, watching his boyfriend go through that was tough enough on himself.

God he'd be so embarrassed if the other superstars found out about this. He'd be named 'soft boy' for the rest of his career, he could already picture it in his head. But he had gone out of his comfort zone and did this all for Seth.

"Can I take this blindfold off now?." Seth asks desperately, picking at the bottom of the blindfold that was over his eyes.

Dean led Seth through a couple more steps until he stopped momentarily, making sure everything looked perfecf to him.

"Okay, you can take it off now."

Dean watched carefully as Seth took the blindfold off and could see for the first time in four hours. Dean held his breath as Seth stayed quiet, taking in the scenery around him. "Do you like it?." Dean asks, his voice slightly cracking. Seth stares at his boyfriend with his mouth agape, tears starting to build in his brown doe eyes, overwhelmed at the fact that Dean had pulled this.

"I fucking love it Dean! What the fuck..." Dean let out a laugh of relief and pulled Seth into a hug.

"I don't know if this is pure mockery for my girlish interest or if this is seriously genuine, Dean this is so messed up you're making me get all emotional." Seth continued to look around, letting this all sink in.

I think he has officially taken the number one spot for being the most perfect human being I've ever met.

Dean pulled away, wiping the tears off of Seth's cheeks and pulled him down to the blanket that was spread across the ground, a few pillows scattered on top of it and basket that sat in the middle. Dean reaches into the basket and grabs the small lunchbox which had multiple fruit kebabs in it, setting it in between the both of them.

They both grab one each and sit in a comfortable silence, the sound of the birds chirping around them being the only thing heard. "You're really proud of yourself aren't you." Seth spoke up in a soft voice. He finished off his last one and laid back on the blanket, staring up at the sky that was starting to fade into a dark blue colour.

Dean smiled and rolled over to hover over Seth causing a small giggle to leave the smaller's mouth.

"Maybe just a little." Dean answers with a big grin. "This is so beautiful Dean, I actually can't believe you did this - you got Roman to help didn't you?."

Dean's smile grew as he listened to the soft voice of his lover. "I absolutely love this though! Heck I love you even more!." Seth emphasis. Dean chuckles and leans down, connecting their lips into a slow and passionate kiss. Without breaking the kiss, they change positions so that Seth is now hovering over Dean.

When Dean finally pulls away he grabs the basket and tilts it slightly. "Now where are those chocolate covered strawberries?." He says.

Seth's eyes light up at the mentioning of his favourite treat, and watches Dean bring out a big clear container full of chocolate covered strawberries. "Oh my god! Oh my god! I want some!." Seth whines.

Dean laughs and quickly opens the container, grabbing one by the stem and lifting it up to Seth's mouth. Seth gives him a brief look but sucks on the strawberry before taking a tender bite. Dean stares intensely as Seth finishes the strawberry, tipping it into one of the plastic bags which was considered as their rubbish bag. Seth gives him the look.

"Don't you dare kink shame me Rollins." Seth giggles and grabs one from the container, holding it near Dean's mouth. "Your turn weirdo." Dean doesn't hesistate to bite quickly into the treat making Seth squeal in surprise squinting his eyes at Dean before eating the rest.

"Hey! That was mine!." Dean squints his eyes back at Seth. "Be quiet you big baby." Seth smiles.

"You have chocolate on your mouth." Dean points out. Seth feels around his mouth completely missing the splotch.

"C'mere." Dean says, pulling Seth down. He connects their lips and tries his best to lick the chocolate off of Seth's lips which tickled him and he began to giggle. They both pull away and stare into each other's eyes, always getting lost in the pools of colour. "I love you." Dean says, wholeheartedly. "I love you too baby." Seth giggles, moving aside to lie down on his back in Dean's arms. "Let's get this movie started shall we..."


Well I think I did a pretty good job at attempting a cute chapter. I'm such a softie for Seth holy heck.

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