I was hoping someone would remember, or at least a certain someone.

"Honestly I fancy this place a whole lot."  I smiled my accent coming and going.  It's true, this place may have a horrible memory but it was filled with a whole lot more.  "And you think appearing now will make me hate you even less. I hated you before and I still hate you, no I despise you. You should have stayed buried and now that you are here I get to have the pleasure of watching you fall before me eyes."  My words weren't just for Dalia or my father but it was also for my brothers, my other sister and of course my mother.  Who could forget her?

This is what's left of my family, I had made it my mission to eliminate every single one.  To which they had beg me to spare them just because we are family and so they made a promise to never return.  Apparently I didn't get the memo where that promise was now null and void.

The man snarled, "What do you expect? You were nothing but an abomination. Or have you forgotten. Why must you protect those beast? The very beast who taunted and tortured you, they ran you out of your own home. Why, we are you family."

"Family, I have no family. And Dalia made sure what ever I had felt for you is gone. Isn't that right sister dear."

"Oh come now that was all in the past. And besides if he loved you why was he with me?"

"You poisoned him." My fist now clenching.  How dare she speak ill of him.

"That maybe true but he did it all for me."

"You are wrong," I proceeded to defend him, she is wrong.  He would never do that to me.  A sob escape my lips.

"Oh poor you, you're not going to cry are you."  My other sister mocked.

"Fine, you win," Dalia sighed, "He made me a promise not to hurt you even after he was sired to me. Are we cool now, can we just be sisters."  She sounded sincere enough.  Sincere my ass.

I laughed, does she really think just because she was honest I would instantly forgive her, "You actually believe I will forgive you, I loved him and you took him from me."  I was now screaming.


"Shut up old man, this is your last warning leave or I will finish the job you started all those centuries ago. And I will forget I ever had a family."

"Look here Amerie," Dalia spat my name, "He really never loved you, he had used you and felt sorry for you because of what you are, a monster." She turned towards the wolves behind me, "This girl here is a monster. Go on tell him how it was you who wiped an entire village.  How you killed women and children mercilessly." 

Another shocking news that dumbfounded all of us, all of them.

"It's not true..."  Okay that's somewhat true but she's twisting the truth.  They were already dead when I got there and I just had to finish the job, I had to do it as much as it hurts me.

"Oh really, did you or did you not kill the one person you claim to love....I must admit though he was not only a good kisser but very good in bed." I wanted to rip her head off right now. 

"Do not speak ill of his name."  I shouted.  

I don't even known why we are having this conversation right now, talk about family reunion.  Surprisingly the wolves kept themselves at bay but I could feel them wanting to shred them to pieces.  Their Alpha dominance were now leaking every where.

"What was his name again, it's at the tip of my tongue oh I remember..."

"Please don't say it." I begged, "Not here..." I didn't want her to say his name.  Slowly glancing at Braydon, he looked at me with hurt.  Why?

None the less Dalia has spoken his name, "Seff." Everyone in the pack now turned towards him.

"Seff."  I had returned after finding him with my sister Dalia only to gasps at the horror before me.  The homes were on fire and this place had reeked.

Crouching down, a child in his arm dead at his finger tips, "Amerie."  At least he stills remembers my name.

"What are you doing?"  Blood was all over his face, the people behind him just waking up probably from this never ending nightmare.

To my surprise I took steps back, "What are you doing Seff?"  I yelled.

"You came back?"  His voice held no emotions as he tossed the child aside.

"This is your home and you..."  I pointed at him meaningfully.  He may not have remember our time together but to do this to the people who were his friends and family.  "What have you done Seff?"  

"What I was hungry?"

Slowly I watch the people standing up sluggishly, confused by their surroundings.  They seemed disoriented as did Seff.  He hadn't the faintest idea what he was doing.

"And I am still hungry."  He looked at me like another meal.  Someone who you can feast on.

He was no longer my Seff, the man I was madly in love with.  He was gone, and he died along with my heart.

"Seff."  I whispered his name more  harshly and shaking my head as he inch closer to me.

I didn't want to, I couldn't, but I knew I had to.  He couldn't control himself and if I don't do something he will continue to feast never feeling satisfied.

"Amerie."  I looked at him only to see him grab me, his eyes lost of that love he once held for me.  "Please, let me."  He bared his fangs at me seeming to wanting to do what they were born to do.

"Seff.  You can't do this, this is not you."  Trying for him to see reason.

"She told me too.  She told me to have fun and so I am."  He laughed like this was some kind of joke.

"Dalia told you?"

"Of course, I would do anything for my love even if it means..." He stopped before clutching my chest with his claws and without warning ripping my heart out in the process.

My heart now in the palm of his hands as he let it fall to the ground with a thud.

My hair turning white, my eyes red as blood, "You are just like us."

"No, I am nothing like you."  I snarled.  He just had to rip out my heart literally.  

His face now contorted in anger as he tried to claw me.  Unfortunately for him he was just a newbie vampire, someone who couldn't control their emotions.  The one emotions that consumes them fully rage.

"I'm sorry."  I whispered, before I had instantly with my own set of claws severed his head from his body.  I watch his head roll and his body fall while tears trickled down my face. 

Dropping to my knees while picking up my own heart and putting it in a pouch for later use.

The people who were just rising glared at me with the same red beady eyes looking at me like food, while the fire around this village continue to burn while with each one, women, children, men I had ended their life with one of two ways, ripping their hearts out or detaching their heads.

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