chapter two

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Everyone entered the stuffy old class room with a hazardous disarray of tables and chairs. Students still stood in tiny cliques, Cam began talking to a bunch of preppy looking boys, in which Trinity had no interest in what so ever despite their immense interest in her. Well mainly her body. She left the group of boys and took a seat at the very back of the class room, pushing her seat back so that it rested against the wall and propping her feet up on the table as she lit another cigarette, with a snap of her fingers. The teacher was yet to materialise. Arriane passed Cam, to which he tousled her newly chopped hair. "Nice mop, Arriane." He smirked as he tugged a strand at the back of her neck. "My compliments to your stylist."
Arriane swiftly swatted him away. "Hands off, Cam. Which is to say: in your dreams." She jerked her head in Luce's direction. "And you can give your compliments to my new pet, right over there."
"I believe I will," he replied as he walked over to a frozen Luce, who was sat in front of where Trinity was situated. They talked for a bit, though the conversation
was nothing that interested Trinity, so she let her mind wonder as she took the occasional drag from her cigarette.

She thought back to this morning and her journey to Sword & Cross, her husband, Lu had driven with her. Students couldn't have cars at the reform school, but that was just one of the drawbacks of attending Sword & Cross, the best thing about it was that she got to see Cam again, that was the only reason why she was attending. She never ever let anyone drive her car, not even Lu. And especially not with her in the passenger seat. She sped down the winding twisting roads, much to his dismay. Angels were very hard to kill and yet here Lucifer was holding onto his chair for dear life, it was almost comical. "Oh ye of little faith" she laughed shaking her head,  when he noticed her eyes weren't  on the road he freaked "Jesus fuck T eyes on the  bloody road". This made her giggle.
When they arrived in the gravel car park, she was about to open the driver's door to get out but he pulled her back to him pulling her easily and gracefully on top of him, so that she was straddling his lap. Trinity instinctively wrapped her arms around his neck, he had placed one hand under her chin, the other hand was on the small of her back. He tilted her lips towards his-

She was unwillingly dragged away from her mind as she heard Cam say to Luce "this is my room number. Come by anytime." He had handed her a green guitar pick, almost the same shade as their eyes, with the number 44 printed on it.
Arriane then clamped a hard hand on Cam's shoulder. "I'm sorry, did I not make myself clear? I've already called dibs on this one."
Cam snorted. He looked straight at Luce as he said, "see, I thought there was still such a thing as free will. Maybe your pet has a path of her own in mind." Trinity rolled her eyes at Cam, he was always such a theatric. The bell rang and everyone took their seats. Cam sat beside Luce, but not before turning round and yanking the cigarette from his sister's hand, taking a drag and swiftly putting it out, just before the teacher materialised. Cam then spent the next God knows how long sneaking glances at Luce, we were in the same room until lunch and everyone was already bored out of their brain within the first minute of the teachers presence. Next to her sat Roland, she liked Roland. They were also both on Lucifer's side but you would never have guessed that, he was chill and friendly, even with those who were on The Thrones side. They didn't have a chance to catch up during the lesson due to the fact that they had a test all about the  circumventing the doom of man kind. Oh joy, this'll be fun.

One hundred and seventy two minutes later they were free, well for lunch, then they had lesson again.

Cam and Trinity walked side by side down the hallway to the canteen. But not before Cam  bumped into Luce's shoulder, he quickly caught her to stop her from sprawling on the floor, "easy there" he said with a quick smile.
"Was that really necessary?" She asked when he joined her again,  knowing that he did it on purpose.
"Very necessary" he replied. She just rolled her eyes and shook her head.

The canteen was as bleak as the rest of the school, the smell of food mixed with the scent of mold and damp was revolting. "Ugh, I forgot how bad the food was here." Cam said in disgust.

They both grabbed a coffee before heading outside to the cemetery, which was, as always colder than the rest of the schools campus. The coffee wasn't the best but it warmed them, "remind me next time to use the staff room coffee machine."
"Will do big bro."

Trinity's mind began to wonder yet again, back to this morning.

Lu tilted her lips towards his brushing them together lightly, making her involunteerly moan, in both pleasure and annoyance. His breath was warm against her skin and he chuckled at her reaction, how it made her freeze and bite her bottom lip. Even after the centuries they had been together he still had the ability to drive her insane the way His presence still drove her crazy even after being together for over a millennium. She hated it when he teased her, "all the more reason to do it then" he had once said to her with a sly smile playing on his full, rosy lips. Back in her emerald Ferrari, she took matters into her own hands and pulled her lips to his. He adjusted Trinity on his lap causing their kiss to deepen even more. His tongue ran across her lips as if asking for entrance, in which  she quickly and eagerly allowed. He pulled back after a while, but she pulled his lips back to hers, she didn't want it to end. Not yet. After a moment or two Lu pulled back, placing his thumb against her lips. "You don't want to be late on your first day now, do you?" His voice was deep and sultry, unlike before when it was full of fear, and it made her melt like butter. She sighed and shook her head. And with some slick manuvering on His part Trinity was able to get out of the  passenger door on two legs as opposed to falling out. He unloaded her bags and she treked over to the lobby. But not before blowing a kiss to her lover whom now sat in the driving seat.

Trinity was yet again unwillingly dragged away from her mind, only this time she was alarmed as Cam shoved his hand into her pocket. She pushed him back. "What are you doing?" She asked trying to mask her undertone of annoyance and she pushed his arm away.
"Cigarettes" he stated simply. She hand him the pack and pulled out one for each of them. "So, what were you thinking about?" He asked nonchalantly. As he placed the cigarette between his lips waiting for her to light it, she did so with a snap of her fingers.
"Ey?" It took her a moment for her mind to catch up with what was going on. "Oh, uh, nothing"
"Must have been something. Your bright red, smiling like an idiot and well I can tell when your lying." His voice was mocking yet sincere. She trusted Cam, he was her brother after all, but she knew he wasn't exactly happy with her dating the devil.
"I just don't want to burden you with my problems." She said it jokingly but she ment it. But Cam took the hint and didn't push her on the matter.

A minute or two later he placed a hand on her knee and angled her so that he could look in her eyes. "Hey, you know if you can talk to me about anything and everything right?" His voice was full comfort. She nodded her head, doubting his words. As if reading her mind he added "even about Him. Cause your my little sister after all and I've gotta look after you and I can't do that if you don't tell me what's going on in that little head of yours." With those last words her pulled her into a hug and kisses the top of her head. She rested her head on his shoulder both still hugging.
"You can talk to me too. About your many, many, many problems. If you want" she whispered into his neck, adding emphasis of ever many, to make it seem like she was joking. She wasn't. She cared so much for her big brother. And he too, about his little sister.
They stayed like that until lunch ended.

authors note: hey thanks for reading the second chapter of hopefully many to come. i would really appreciate a like and a comment telling me what you like what you dislike etc

also let me know if you want more, chapters of this series and maybe i might do the rest of the fallen books. let me know of any other ideas of books you would like me to create  

Trinity (A Fallen Fanfiction - Cams Sister)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن