Numb Thought.

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  • Dedicated to My Thoughts

        Does writing come naturally? Im having trouble putting my thoughts down, they seem to go up. Many, many ballons filling the blue sky. They bounce agianst one another and then soar higher to where my mind can't quite connect to the long line of ribbon that sways numbly at the bottom of my thought. When children release there pink, blue and wondered colored ballons they believe it will go up for ever and ever to the heavens. When you get older you realize thats just not reality. Cold reality is that the helium inside the cheap colored rubber is released it begins going down and ends up in some old feild, never to be found agian or discovered but discarded. My theory is soon as my childish thoughts are done soaring they will come to reality and go down onto the once blank screen. Word by word with cover the screen just as the ballon did as it covered each inch of land when it came to a resting place. I figure my writing will never be found or discarded when it is. Im okay with that to, as long as it started off as a childish thought it was worth having. Here is my ballon, discarded or never found it was still the best thought ever.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2014 ⏰

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